In diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract, withthe appearance of dry or wet cough doctors appoint a bronchicum. The instruction for the use of this preparation contains all the necessary information about indications and contraindications, the composition and form of release,
"Bronchicum" is a combined mucolytic drug. Indication for its use may be the presence of the following diseases:
- bronchitis (acute, obstructive, chronic),
- pneumonia,
- tracheitis,
- asthma is bronchial,
- pulmonary tuberculosis,
- laryngitis,
- tracheobronchitis,
- pharyngitis, etc.
With these diseases, viscous sputum forms,which is also difficult to move away. It is thanks to the composition of the drug "Bronchicum", the instruction of which contains a list of its medicinal components, sputum becomes more sparse, expectoration from the tracheobronchial sputum tree improves.
The bronchicum is made on the basis of vegetable raw materials. It is produced in the form of syrup, troches and elixir.
Syrup and elixir bottled in bottlesthirty and three hundred and twenty-five millimeters. The lozenges are produced in the amount of twenty pieces in the package, and they are intended for the treatment of only the upper respiratory tract.
The composition of the drug "Bronhicum" includes tinctures fromdifferent parts of medicinal plants. Among them are the quiberach bark, the roots of the primrose and field color, the herbs of thyme and grindelia. But if the elixir contains all of the above natural ingredients, the lozenges are made only from the extract of thyme. But the composition of the drug "Bronchicum. Syrup" (instructions for use on this clearly says), in addition to grindelia, thyme and primrose, the roots of pimpinella and flowers of dog rose. In addition, it is made on the basis of natural honey.
Thyme extract has the main effecton the respiratory tract, and the remaining ingredients - ancillary. Thus, thyme contributes to a reduction in mucosal edema, thereby facilitating breathing, reducing cough and irritation. Other components of the extract and syrup "Bronchicum", instructions for the use of which are always inside the package, help to extract from the respiratory tract phlegm and reduce inflammation of the mucosa.
It is not recommended to use the drug"Bronchicum," the instruction on the use of this says clearly, to people who are hypersensitive to the ingredients of the drug. During pregnancy and lactation, the use of this medication should be agreed with the doctor.
The "Bronchicum" medication, theapplication points to this uniquely, there are side effects. On the part of the gastrointestinal system, this can be expressed by dyspeptic phenomena (vomiting, nausea), as well as the manifestation of allergic reactions (angioedema, urticaria, skin rash and itching, etc.).
For adults and children who are already twelve years old, the dosage of the drug "Bronchicum" is as follows:
- if an elixir is prescribed, it is taken four to six times a day for one teaspoonful;
- if syrup, then three to four times two teaspoons a day;
- and if the lozenges, then one or two daily three to four times.
When prescribing "Bronchicum" to children youngertwelve years old, but older than six, the dosage is correspondingly reduced. So elixir can be given daily to a child no more than 0.5-1 teaspoon four to six times, and syrup three to four times, but one spoonful of tea. The lozenges are given one three to four times a day.
According to the instruction, children from two to six years of syrup should be given no more than one teaspoon twice a day, and elixir - for half a spoonful of tea three to four times daily.
The smallest patients up to two years are prescribed a three-time intake of only syrup (half a spoonful of tea).