There are many pathologies that require admissionantiemetics, which relieve symptoms of nausea and poisoning. This is especially important in the post-operative period, when the body departs from anesthesia. It is also necessary to prescribe the drug in the process of chemo- and radiotherapy. Such effective remedies include Ondansetron. Analogues (preparations "Emetron", "Latran", "Zofran") also in a short time will remove the symptoms of intoxication and vomiting.
The drug belongs to the group of antiemeticmeans. Effectively and in a short time removes the nausea and vomiting that arose in the postoperative period, after chemotherapy and radiation therapy. The effect of the drug is that it can block selectively serotonin 5-HT3 receptors. As a result, the emetic reflexes subside.
After ingestion, the agent quicklyabsorbed in the stomach. Almost 100% associated with blood proteins. The liver is susceptible to high metabolism. Within four hours, the drug reaches its maximum therapeutic effect. Nausea and vomiting occur due to Ondansetron medication. Analogues and substitutes of the drug have an identical property and can completely replace the original.
The main indications are the treatment and prevention of nausea and vomiting after chemotherapy and radiation therapy, as well as in the postoperative period. There are several contraindications:
The drug is administered on an individual basis.Daily rate depends on the severity of the symptoms, as well as intoxication of the body during the passage of radiation and chemotherapy. During the period after the operation, the medication is prescribed several times a day until the symptoms of nausea and vomiting disappear completely. Only a doctor can prescribe Ondansetron. Instruction to the drug is inside the drug store.
It is not recommended to take a joint method with inducers of the cytochrome enzyme system, which can lead to clearance and a decrease in the tolerance of the main substance (ondansetron).
Do not prescribe the drug in the first trimesterpregnancy. If you need to use the medicine in the lactation period, then you need to give up feeding. Also, patients after surgery on the abdomen should carefully take the drug so as not to hide the symptoms of acute intestinal obstruction. With the pathology of the liver, do not exceed the dose of 8 mg of Ondansetron.
Analogues and prices, indications and contraindications - all this information should be clarified before the beginning of treatment.
The price of the drug is about 100 rubles per package.
Side effects:
Refers to antiemetics.Effectively removes the symptoms of nausea and vomiting in the postoperative period, during chemotherapy and radiation therapy. The drug is able to block selective serotonin 5-HT3 receptors. If ingested, the medicine is absorbed in the stomach in a short time. Almost 100% associated with blood proteins. Passes metabolism in the liver by hydroxylation.
The maximum availability of the drug is achieved byfour hours after the first dose. This action has on the body a medicine "Latran". A similar feature is the Ondansetron. Analogues, synonyms and generics can only be used after consultation with the attending physician.
The cost of the medicine is 180-200 rubles in various pharmacies.
Prevention and treatment of vomiting and nausea inpostoperative period, as well as after chemotherapy and radiation therapy. You can not prescribe the drug in the first trimester of pregnancy and with increased sensitivity to the drug. Also, the agent is not prescribed for liver and kidney pathology. The drug can not be used for food poisoning or alcohol.
The dose is set individually and withtaking into account the severity of the disease. The course depends on the symptoms and the presence of intoxication of the body. It can not be taken together with tablets that are inhibitors of the cytochrome isoenzyme system. Without consultation with a doctor, it is not recommended to take the drug Latran, as well as the Ondansetron medical solution (injection solution). The instruction describes how to use the medicine for informational purposes only.
In most cases, the medicine is well tolerated. Very rarely, the following symptoms can develop:
Do not administer the solution or tablets during thebearing and fetal breastfeeding. Also, caution should be given after surgery on the peritoneum, so as not to miss symptoms of acute intestinal obstruction. These same measures must be observed when treating Ondansetron. Directions for use, analogues, correct dosage - all information should be studied before starting therapy, and if you have any questions, contact a specialist for advice.
The agent belongs to the group of antiemeticspreparations. Effectively removes the symptoms of vomiting and nausea during chemotherapy, radiotherapy and after surgery. The agent selectively can block serotonin 5-HT3 receptors, which reduces the symptom of intoxication. Almost 100% is combined with blood proteins. Maximum bioavailability is observed 4 hours after taking the medication. Basically, the main substance of the medicine "Zofran" is metabolized in the liver. Preliminary should be studied, as before the use of medication "Ondansetron", the instruction. Analogues, as a rule, do not differ in composition and indications. It is worth "Zofran" about 300 rubles.
Appointed for treatment and prevention in the periodafter surgery and chemotherapy and radiation therapy. It can not be taken in the first half of pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Also not recommended for hypersensitivity to the drug. Medication can not be used to stop vomiting and to remove symptoms of intoxication during poisoning.
The dose is determined only by the doctor, and it depends on theThe severity of the patient's condition after the chemotherapy and post-operation procedures. The drug is taken until the symptoms of intoxication disappear completely. It is not recommended to use a joint method with inhibitors of the isozyme isozyme system. This must be taken into account when treating Ondansetron. Analogues of the medicine can fully replace the original and save the patient from vomiting and nausea.
Side effects:
If you have any unpleasant symptoms, you should seek help from a doctor. The specialist will reduce the dosage or offer a quality substitute.
An antiemetic drug that blocks serotonin receptors and has a central effect.
The medicine is in the form of tablets of yellowcolor and solution. The agent is prescribed to eliminate vomiting and nausea after surgery and during chemo- and radiotherapy. With intramuscular or intravenous administration, the efficacy and decrease of intoxication is observed for 10 minutes. The same effect is exerted by the Ondansetron solution. Analogues are very similar in composition.
The price of the drug in some pharmacies is more than 1200 rubles per package.
It is prescribed to eliminate vomiting and nausea inperiod after surgery and during chemo- and radiation therapy in children and adults. To eliminate intoxication during poisoning, medication can not be used. There are a number of contraindications to admission:
The drug is administered in a dose of 8 to 32 mg per day.The daily rate depends on the severity of intoxication and the individual characteristics of the organism. With care, a drug is prescribed for patients with liver and kidney pathology. Also, the drug "Emetron" in low doses is used in old age.
In most cases, the medicine haspositive feedback and well tolerated by patients. In a short time removes the symptoms of intoxication of the body, which is expressed in vomiting and nausea. The medicine does not harm the body and can be injected until the symptoms of poisoning disappear completely. According to reviews of patients and doctors, an allergic reaction to Ondansetron may develop. Analogues can also provoke hives and even anaphylactic shock. Therefore, the dosage is established only by a specialist, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient's body.
The medicine is not addictive and is released inform of solution and tablets, which is suitable for patients with any severity of the process. The described drugs can be used from the age of two. You can buy the medicine in any pharmacy. Many doctors recommend such a drug to relieve the symptoms of intoxication.
If there is a need to designate an agent intime of breastfeeding, it is better to refuse lactation. Specialists note that the active ingredient enters the milk and can cause harm to the health of the newborn. And, of course, as well as before taking any drug, a preliminary consultation of a doctor is necessary - then the risk of side effects will be minimized.