Diseases of the respiratory tract in small childrenpatients are usually accompanied by a cough. This is a kind of protective reaction of the body, which helps to withdraw phlegm. With different types of cough and pathology of the respiratory system, specialists appoint "Lazolvan". For children, this product is available in several forms. Let us consider in more detail the features of the use of the drug, the mechanism of action and feedback on its effectiveness.
Cough - reflex protection of the body,It is triggered by inhalation of irritants. In the role of the latter can be both pathogenic microorganisms, and foreign bodies, dust. Most often, cough occurs as a major symptom of respiratory pathologies. Such infirmities often affect children of young and middle age. To cope with colds that are accompanied by difficultly separated sputum, you should use a drug such as Lazolvan. The use of this remedy for children is possible only according to the doctor's prescription.
Medication belongs to the category of expectorants andmukoliticheskih preparations. Its effectiveness has been repeatedly confirmed in clinical trials. At the same time several pharmaceutical companies from Germany, France, Greece and Italy are engaged in the production of Lazolvan. The price of the drug will depend on its form of release. The average cost of mucolytics is 180-210 rubles. You can buy it in almost any pharmacy without a prescription, but the dosage and the regimen of therapy should be determined by a specialist.
You can buy Lazolvan for children in the form ofsyrup, solution for inhalation and oral intake, tablets, solution for intravenous use, trousers for resorption. For the youngest patients, a remedy in the syrup should be used, which may contain 15 or 30 mg of the active ingredient in 5 ml of liquid. It has a pleasant sweetish taste and a viscous consistency.
The solution for inhalation has a brownish tinge,slightly smell and sweet and sour taste. The liquid is packaged in glass containers with a dropper. In 2 ml contains 15 mg of active ingredient. The solution is approved for oral administration.
Tablets for treatment of cough "Lazolvan" haverounded shape, bevelled edges and a slightly yellowish tinge. On one side, the logo of the manufacturer is inscribed on the surface of the pill. Tablets can be given to babies from the age of six. The dosage of the active ingredient is 30 mg.
Excellent assistants in the treatment of pathologiesrespiratory tract will become lazolvan "for children. The instruction says that they have a light brown color and a depression on one side. In one lozenge 15 mg of the active substance.
The solution for intravenous administration is issued in ampoules containing 2 ml of the drug. Can be used to treat both small and adult patients.
"Lazolvan" refers to the mucolytics of the lattergeneration. Ambroxol hydrochloride is used as an active substance in all forms of the drug. The component is able to strengthen the secretion of mucus in the respiratory system and activate the synthesis of pulmonary surfactant - a substance that prevents the collapse of the alveoli and keeps the lungs in working condition. This significantly speeds up the processes of secretion and secretion, which leads to a decrease in the frequency and intensity of coughing attacks.
The active component of the drug makes mucus inthe airway is more fluid and expands the bronchi. After taking ambroxol, the maximum concentration in the blood is fixed after 1-2 hours. The greatest concentration of matter is observed in the respiratory organs. The therapeutic effect of the drug persists for 5-6 hours. The active component of "Lazolvana" does not accumulate in the body and is excreted through the kidneys after processing in the liver.
The drug from the mucolytics group will be effective in acute and chronic course of respiratory tract diseases. The manufacturer recommends using an expectorant "Lazolvan" with:
For children, "Lazolvan" is often prescribed for the treatment of adenovirus infection. The drug helps to prevent the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the lower parts of the respiratory tract.
Cough can be of two types - dry (obtrusive)and wet (productive). At the onset of the disease, usually a dry cough is manifested, in which the sputum is severely separated. It is difficult for the patient to clear his throat, and the process itself becomes very painful. In this case, can help cough Lazolvan. Children are recommended to give it in the form of a syrup with a dosage of active substance 15 mg (in 5 ml). It is this form of the drug that can be used to treat babies from birth.
Mucolytic agent helps to translate coughfrom dry to productive. In this case, the frequency of seizures may increase, but the process itself becomes less painful and painful. If cough is caused by inflammation of the larynx, Lazolvan is not recommended. Otherwise, spasm may develop.
The use of this product for children in wet conditionsCoughing can speed up the process of diverging the mucous secretion from the respiratory tract. The drug contributes to the complete purification of the lungs and bronchi, and hence, the elimination of inflammation, provided that it is not caused by a bacterial pathogen.
With a damp cough, specialists especiallyrecommend to carry out inhalation with a solution of "Lazolvan". Such procedures allow delivering the active components of the medicine directly to the focus of the inflammatory process. Inhalations can be carried out when diagnosed diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia, obstructive syndromes.
"Lazolvan" in syrup is allowed to give babies withfirst days of life. Such small patients can be given no more than 2.5 ml of syrup at a time. The drug is taken twice a day. After two years, children are prescribed the drug in the same dosage, but may increase the frequency of syrup intake per day up to three times. From the age of six, the dosage is increased to 5 ml. Multiplicity of reception - no more than three times a day.
Adolescents with 12 years of age (and adults in particular) should take cough syrup 10 ml three times a day. It is allowed to drink medicine while eating and drink it with water.
Tablets for coughing "Lazolvan" for children contain30 mg of ambroxol hydrochloride. Therefore, they can be prescribed to patients only from the age of 6 years. In a day, the child is given the drug three times a half of the pill at a time. From the age of 12 "Lazolvan" take 1 tablet 3 times a day.
Babies for treatment of coughing attacks at variouspathological processes in the airways give "Lazolvan" in the form of troches, which need to dissolve in the oral cavity. From the age of six it is allowed to take 1 lozenges three times a day. The older children (from the age of 12) are given 1 mucolitic pastillum no more than 6 times a day. For more than 5 days, use the medicine only after consulting a specialist.
For young and middle-aged children, the mostAn effective method of treatment of respiratory system diseases is the administration of inhalations with mucolytic drugs. The most effective of these means is "Lazolvan" in solution. The drug is used only for inhalations through nebulizers. The steam inhaler can not be used for such procedures.
In a pure form, the drug solution is not used.He is bred with saline in a 1: 1 ratio. The saline solution itself is necessary not only for dilution of the preparation, but also for moistening the air that will enter the respiratory tract of the child when inhaled by the aerosol.
Inhalations with "Lazolvanom" and saline solution for childrenspend at least three times a day. This method of therapy is the most safe and reliable, and also allows you to rid the child of the disease quickly enough.
There are certain rules that should be followed.adhere to achieve a successful treatment outcome. First of all, remember that inhalation at body temperature above 37, 5 ° C is prohibited. The procedure should be carried out at least 1.5 hours after eating. Duration of inhalation for children under 5 years - 3-4 minutes. After each manipulation, it is necessary to wash and dry the mask.
What should be the dosage of "Lazolvan" forinhalations? For children and adult patients, the solution should be diluted with saline. Usually the smallest is supposed to dilute 2 ml of mucolytic solution in 2 ml of sodium chloride. Babies over 6 years of single dose increase to 3 ml.
Inhalation is performed in the mode of normal breathing. With deep breaths, a cough may appear. A solution for inhalations is recommended to warm up to the temperature of the body before the manipulation itself.
Use a medicine to eliminate the symptoms of the pathology of the respiratory system only if there are no contraindications. According to the instruction, they include the following states:
It should be remembered that for children up to the year "Lazolvan" is best given in the form of a syrup or use a solution for inhalations with the help of a nebulizer.
In certain cases, the child'snegatively react to the use of the drug. Most often, side effects occur on the part of the digestive tract. Such a condition is manifested by such symptoms as nausea, decreased sensitivity in the oral cavity. Less often there is indigestion, vomiting, diarrhea. If hypersensitivity to the components of the drug may manifest hives, itching, swelling. In case of an overdose of medicament, it is recommended to wash the stomach.
"Lazolvan" for children is one of the most effectivemeans, allowing for a short period of time to eliminate dry and wet cough. This is stated in the reviews, which are left by the popes and mothers. If you start therapy with the appearance of the first signs of a disease, the drug will have almost a lightning effect. The product is well tolerated by children of different age categories. It can be combined with other drugs in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract.