/ / The drug "Renny". Instructions for use

The drug is Rennie. Instructions for use

The drug "Rennie" (from heartburn), the price of whicha little over a hundred rubles, includes magnesium and calcium carbonate. The medicine is an antacid. The active substances of the drug ensure a long and rapid neutralization of excess hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice. Thanks to such activity, the protective effect on the mucous membrane is stabilized. High content of calcium carbonate and dissolution rate provide an accelerated achievement of therapeutic effect (within three to five minutes). Due to the interaction of the components of the drug with hydrochloric acid in the stomach, soluble salts of magnesium and calcium are formed. A small amount of absorbed substances is excreted by the kidneys. Against the background of renal dysfunction, the level of magnesium and calcium can grow. Insoluble compounds are formed in the intestine from soluble salts. They are excreted with feces.

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The drug is Rennie. Instructions for use. Indications

The medicine is prescribed to eliminate symptoms,provoked by high acidity in gastric juice. In particular, the indications include a feeling of overflow or heaviness in the epigastric region, heartburn, flatulence, acidic eructations, nausea. The medication is prescribed for manifestations caused by errors in the diet, taking drugs with irritant effect, smoking, drinking coffee or alcohol.

How to drink Rennie. Dosing regimen

application instructions

The medication is available in the form of tablets forresorption. For patients from the age of twelve, one to two are prescribed. The drug is kept in the mouth until it dissolves completely. If necessary, repeated taking is carried out after two hours. In a day for adults, the maximum dosage is 16 tablets. For children up to the age of twelve, the "Rennie" medication is recommended for use in accordance with symptoms and tolerability. At reception it is necessary to remember, that the preparation is intended for elimination of displays of the raised acidity. As a rule, the relief of the condition is noted after the first doses are applied. The duration of therapy is set individually.

The drug is Rennie. Instructions for use. Contraindications

Do not prescribe a remedy for violations in the kidneyfunctions of pronounced flow, hypersensitivity, hypercalcemia. The expediency of prescribing during child-bearing and lactation is established by a specialist.

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The drug is Rennie. Instructions for use. Adverse Reactions

As practice shows, if allprescription medication is satisfactorily tolerated by patients at different ages. In some cases, there may be an allergic reaction, changes in the consistency of stool. On the basis of the drug in a higher dosage, compensatory hypersecretion in gastric juice can develop. In renal or hepatic insufficiency, hypermagnes or hypercalcemia may occur.

special instructions

With kidney dysfunction in the appointmentprolonged treatment should regularly monitor the concentration of magnesium and calcium in the serum. The frequency of research is established in accordance with the severity of the condition and is determined personally.

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