During a cold, a person experiences discomfort.Eyes begin to water, breathing becomes difficult, the sense of smell worsens. The only desire arising in this situation is to get rid of the stuffiness of the nose more quickly. Let's look at how quickly to cure a runny nose at home. And the sooner a person cope with this, the more likely they will not face complications. Treatment should include a whole range of different activities aimed at improving the entire body.
Methods that help fight the disease
When deciding how quickly to cure a runny nose at home, use all sorts of drops and herbal sprays.
As a rule, when the question arises as to howquickly cure a runny nose at home, we resort to these drugs. Such sprays as "Nazol" and "Nazivin" drops, relieve swelling, have a narrowing effect on the vessels. All this leads to the fact that breathing becomes free for a while.
Folk remedies
Of course, when deciding how quickly to cure a runny nose inwe want to win it very quickly. However, it will be difficult to manage for one day. But get rid of for a while from the annoying snot help the sea water, with which the nose is well washed. This tool will have an antiseptic effect, will reduce the degree of edema of the mucosa. In addition, in the fight against the common cold, such herbs as chamomile and St. John's wort, as well as calendula, can help.
In order to properly prepare the broth, you must add a glass of water to one small spoonful of St. John's wort, marigold and chamomile.
It's fast enough to cure a runny nosethe juice of the Kalanchoe will help. This plant is used even for young children. First, the juice is squeezed out of the leaves, which is diluted in water one to one. Then the mixture is digested three times a day. For greater efficiency, you can add more aloe juice.
To get rid of a cold at home canhelp the warming up of hands. For this purpose, the water is heated and poured into a bowl (exactly the amount that the brushes completely covered with it). After about twenty minutes it will be easier to breathe. You can warm up the nose and sinuses with the help of boiled potatoes or roll out a hot egg. If you have salt at hand, warming it in a frying pan and pouring it into a rag bag, you should put it into the nose bridge area.
Answers to the question of how quickly to cure a runny nose in the home, there are many. Decide which way is right for you.