Smoking hookah - one of the exotic orientaltraditions, adopted in Western society. By the way, in our country, many also do not mind such a ritual. Contrary to popular belief, the modern culture of hookah smoking has nothing to do with drugs. The use of this device is a spiritual ritual, allowing to achieve relaxation and appeasement.
To date, this tradition is gaininggreat popularity not only in the East, where it has never lost its relevance, but also in Western countries. Of course, relaxation and meditation are not peculiar to the modern citizen, who is accustomed to endlessly wander in the corridors of his restless mind. But more and more people are emerging lately, striving to understand the mysterious and mystical culture of the East.
Unequivocally known only that the hookah begansmoking in Asia. However, there are some small differences in who started this tradition. Some say that the first to start smoking hookah in India, while others say that it originated in Turkey. Be that as it may, it is known that initially it was intended for smoking opium and dried betel.
As the hookah spreads to different countriesits content also changed. Tobacco has become very popular, replacing deadly opium. Traditionally the hookah is filled with milk, as it perfectly filters the smoke from harmful compounds and gives a soft, unforgettable taste. You can also use any other liquid, such as cognac or wine. Many connoisseurs bravely experiment, trying to find the taste of their dreams.
For those who have long been smoking hookah and have alreadytry hundreds of different configurations, there is an excellent recipe. The essence of it is that instead of the ceramic bowl, which is filled with tobacco, put an apple. This gives a fresh, fresh and audacious taste.
To make such a modification is quite simple, only a fresh, convenient apple, a knife and toothpicks are needed.
So, to make a hookah on an apple, firstyou need to trim the top third of the fruit and clean the core with a knife so that it looks like a bowl. It should be so large that it can easily fit the right amount of tobacco, as well as coal. After the cup takes its due form, it needs to be made a hole. In it, a tube is inserted, on which the ceramic structure used to stand. Now in the lower area of the bowl you need to install several toothpicks so that they form a grid on which the tobacco will rest.
Here, the cup is installed, the tobacco is in place, it remainsjust cover the whole thing with foil, put a charcoal on it - and the apple hookah is ready. The fruit will give a familiar flavor to the familiar tobacco, and the appearance of the design will not leave your guests indifferent.
Coal - an integral part of the hookah.It should burn for a long time and give enough heat to smoke tobacco, which is usually strongly moistened. Coal can be of three types. The first, the simplest option - wood, from which all resins are removed. It is suitable for smoking hookah, but it does not burn for long. The second option is pressed coal.
This filler is seriously different frompipe or self-rolled tobacco. In order for the smoking process to pass at the right pace, this dried plant should be strongly moistened. The most popular type of tobacco for hookah is maassil. Its consistency resembles a kissel, as it contains honey or molasses. You can smoke through the hookah a simple orient, but it must be moistened and wrung out beforehand. There is an opportunity to acquire something in between these two species - the Indian zhurak. Hookah on an apple, like its standard counterpart, requires a good "charge". Cheap, soaked with terrible chemicals of tobacco, can spoil even the most expensive device.
Hookah well promotes peaceful restin a pleasant company. His smoke does not cause such a serious damage to the body, like cigarettes or a pipe. Many non-smoking people like to relax by sipping a hookah. Reviews of this eastern curiosity are usually the most positive. But do not forget that tobacco is harmful in any form, and smoking hookah is no exception.