The drug "Traumeel" - a complex agent that has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, hemostatic, immunomodulating and regenerating effects.
The medicine very quickly and effectively stopsbleeding and relieves swelling of soft tissues in the area of damage, while increasing the tone of the vessels and stopping the pain syndrome. In addition, Traumeel is able to stabilize rheological blood levels. That is why he is chosen for the treatment of injuries and burns. It is also used after operations, since it has high regenerative abilities.
Traumeel: instruction (evidence)
Since the agent is released in the form of a solution for parenteral administration and as an ointment, the indications for use of the preparation differ somewhat depending on the form of its release.
So, the solution is used in cases of treatment:
- degenerative and inflammatory processes of the musculoskeletal system (with periarthritis, tendovaginitis, spondyloiditis, rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, myositis);
- bruises, injuries, sprains, dislocations, bruises, hemorrhages, fractures of bones, acute craniocerebral injuries, postoperative edema;
- Pain syndrome with arthrosis, osteochondrosis, pathologies of pelvic organs;
- micro-traumatic illness;
- inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract;
- Diseases of the oral cavity;
- eye trauma, inflammation of the eyes;
- Skin diseases (for example, carbuncles, furuncles, abscesses of sweat glands, diaper rash, neurodermatitis);
- diseases organs of hearing.
Ointment in turn is prescribed when:
- dislocations, acute injuries, bruises, fractures of bones, sprain;
- Diseases of the oral cavity;
- skin diseases,
- degenerative processes of the musculoskeletal system;
- pneumonia;
- Mastitis.
Traumeel: instruction (how to use)
The solution, as already mentioned above, is intendedfor parenteral administration. One single dose for adults is placed in an ampoule. Children under two years of age are prescribed one sixth of the ampoule, children under six years of age - a quarter, from 6 years - the dosage of the drug corresponds to the adult.
The drug "Traumeel" in the form of a solution can beinjected subcutaneously, intramuscularly, intradermally, intraarticularly, as well as to acupuncture therapy sites. Typically, the drug is prescribed one ampoule a day. In cases of massive lesions - 2 ampoules. When acute phenomena are stopped, it is possible to proceed not with a drug in the form of tablets.
Ointment "Traumeel" is applied to the affected skin orover the area of the pathological process two or three times a day. Light movements she rubbed into the skin. In an acute period of the disease can be applied up to 5 times a day.
Traumeel: instruction (side effects, contraindications and overdose)
The drug is very well tolerated, however,cases when after its application various allergic reactions in a place of drawing of ointment (reddening or an itch) were shown. Nevertheless, such cases occur very rarely, since among the contraindications - only increased sensitivity to the components of the remedy, namely to plants from the family "Composita".
The decision to apply the medicine to pregnant or lactating women is the right to be made only by the attending physician. Traumeel is combined with almost all medicines.
To date, there have been no cases of drug overdose.
Traumeel: instruction (additional information)
Tablets are available in 50 pieces per cellcontour pack, ointment - in a tube of 50 g, solution - in small ampoules of 2.2 ml. From pharmacies it is dispensed without a prescription, but despite this, before treatment it is necessary to consult a doctor.
Store the drug in a dark place at a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius.
Attention!This article is provided for familiarization with the drug and should not affect your decision to admit it. Talk with your doctor about this and carefully read the manufacturer's annotation.