/ / Urticaria during pregnancy: the causes, symptoms and characteristics of treatment

Hives in Pregnancy: Causes, Symptoms and Features of Treatment

When a woman's body is exposedserious loads. Urticaria can appear in many adults and children, pregnant women are no exception. When the woman's body develops characteristic rashes, she worries about the possible negative impact on the body of the unborn child. What is dangerous hives during pregnancy?

Hives, what is it?

Urticaria - the reaction of the body to the effecta certain allergen. It appears as a rash, similar to a nettle burn. In pregnancy, it can be caused by hormonal changes that appear on the skin. It is dangerous for the onset of the edema of Quincke, which adversely affects the body of the pregnant woman and her child. It can affect the throat and nasopharynx, which can cause suffocation and lack of air.

What causes hives?

Why does hives occur during pregnancy? The causes of rash on the body can be many factors:

  • taking medications that have influenced the hormonal background;
  • use of cosmetics, which triggered the appearance of a rash on the body;
  • the use of food products that could cause such a reaction of the body;
  • To provoke a urticaria could: a pollen of plants, a wool of animals and other allergens;
  • Culprits can be chronic diseases, which during pregnancy could worsen.

The main factor is many experts believechange in the body of a woman's hormonal background, which is associated with the production of a large number of estrogens. In this case, the appearance of gestosis, and urticaria is one of the manifestations of the disease.

Hives on the abdomen during pregnancy

Rashes can provoke hot weather, because this is an increased sweating and as a result - a rash.

For specific reasons other than changehormonal background, we can attribute the weakening of immunity of a pregnant woman. Hives usually appear in the early stages of pregnancy, but its occurrence may also occur later. It is not necessary that her symptoms will remain after the birth of the child, but this requires proper treatment.

Symptoms of hives after pregnancy

The main signs of the disease are the occurrence: red spots, blisters and severe itching. This may cause swelling and pain when pressing.

Symptoms of hives are presented in the formRashes, which are located throughout the body in a chaotic manner. The rash may be shallow or fused into large blisters. Hives proliferate during pregnancy on the stomach and other parts of the body. The color of the rash can range from pale pink to red. The appearance of changes in the area of ​​the lips and tongue is a sign of the development of Quincke's edema. The temperature may remain normal or increase with the development of the inflammatory process.

Hives in Pregnancy

The main symptoms of the disease:

  • general weakness;
  • headache;
  • insomnia;
  • irritability.

This state of nerves the future mother and reflects on her health.

Urticaria in pregnancy: effects on the fetus

Especially the disease is dangerous for the baby in the earlymonths of pregnancy, because during this period, all its organs and systems are being formed. Protective fetal placenta is still in its infancy.

Hives in Pregnancy

When hives occur in a pregnant womanon later terms, its symptoms will not have a significant impact on the development of the unborn child. During this period, the formed placenta will not pass the antigens inside. However, the worsened state of a woman, her irritability may not have the best effect on the child.

In many cases, predisposition to allergic reactions is caused by heredity. Therefore, if an allergy suffers from a mother, then it can also be inherited by a child.

Diagnosis of the disease

What to do in case of urticaria withpregnancy? First of all, when symptoms of the disease appear, a woman needs to seek help from a specialist. Using the necessary tests and tests, the doctor will be able to establish the allergen, which must be cleaned during pregnancy.

Hives in early pregnancy

Influence of disease factors on the fetus maydepend on the woman's health status. A specialist after a complete examination will be able to prescribe an individual treatment for the mother, taking into account the negative effect of the disease on the fetus.

Features of treatment of the disease

Чем лечить крапивницу при беременности?The main task in this case is to provide safe assistance to both the mother and the child. Medicines that are prescribed for the treatment of urticaria should be completely safe.

Prescribe drugs that contain in theironly natural ingredients. In the treatment of allergic rhinitis, drops containing sea salt and plant substances (Aquamaris, Marimer, Pinosol, etc.) are used.

Hives for pregnancy than to treat

To get rid of the itch and rashes of a pregnant womana woman is prescribed special ointments. The main remedy in this case is zinc ointment. It helps to heal wounds and inflammations on the skin. Before use, treat a small area of ​​skin, in order to avoid negative consequences.

The main method in the treatment of urticaria -cessation of contact with the allergen. To improve the condition, a pregnant woman can take sorbents that will help cleanse the body (Lactofiltrum, Enterosgel, etc.). They are effective and completely safe.

Many antihistamines can be dangerous to the health of a pregnant woman and a child, so they are prescribed only by a doctor, taking into account the characteristics of her body.

Natural remedies for the treatment of urticaria

How to reduce the manifestation of hives during pregnancy? In the treatment of allergies, antihistamines may be effective in providing effective relief, but women in this situation may be at risk.

Thanks to natural substances, the symptoms of the disease can be reduced:

  • Taking vitamin C, you can reduce bronchospasm and rhinitis, which is typical when an allergy occurs. In a day you need to use 1-3 grams, sometimes to achieve the effect of increasing the dose to 3-4 grams.
  • Fish oil helps to reduce the appearance of rashes, redness of the eyes and lachrymation. When using it, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the organism.
  • Taking vitamin B12 can reduce the symptoms of dermatitis and allergic asthma. It is taken for a month for 500 micrograms.
  • Olive oil contains in its compositionOleic acid, which is a natural antiallergic agent. Oil is recommended for cooking, especially for pregnant women.

Using natural substances to treat urticaria, you can quickly reduce its manifestations without affecting the health of women and her child.

Preventive measures

If you are predisposed to allergies, pregnant women should follow these rules:

  • if an irritant is known, then try not to contact him;
  • a pregnant woman should use special cosmetics and hygiene products;
  • you can not eat citrus and chocolate daily; it is better to include them in meals periodically;
  • minimize contact with household chemicals;
  • during pregnancy, restrict communication with domestic pets;
  • always wet cleaning and airing the room;
  • it is not recommended to engage in self-medication with a pregnant woman, if you have any symptoms of the disease, immediately consult a doctor.

Hives Symptom of Pregnancy

Applying preventive measures can, if not prevent, but at least reduce the risk of urticaria.

Diet in the treatment of disease

How to reduce the symptoms of hives during pregnancy?For this, a woman should eat right. All food should be saturated with vitamins and be pleasant to the taste. Do not force a woman to eat those dishes that she does not like. They will not be absorbed in the body and will not benefit the future child. The diet should be made as follows:

  • eat better every 2-3 hours, eventually get 5-6 meals a day;
  • any meal should include the same amount of calories;
  • It is not recommended to eat sweets (jam, honey and ice cream);
  • do not need to use cream and cottage cheese, more than 2% fat content;
  • it is better to cook the first dishes in vegetable broth, without using meat;
  • as a dessert you can eat: fruit, marshmallows and marmalade;
  • to maintain liver health, oatmeal and soybeans can be included in the diet;
  • Together with ordinary tea you can drink herbal, but before that you need to get medical advice;
  • completely eliminate from the diet of coffee.

Treatment of urticaria during pregnancy

In the diet of a pregnant woman, the following foods should be present every day:

  • pear and apple, which contain a lot of vitamins;
  • Green tea, which helps to remove all harmful substances from the body;
  • buckwheat and oat porridge, because they contain fiber;
  • dill and parsley will help to vitaminize the meals you eat.

A pregnant woman is obliged to comply with the drinking regime. The amount of liquid per day must be at least 1.5 liters. This includes herbal and green teas, water without gas.

The risk of urticaria during pregnancy can be reduced if you eat properly and exclude the influence of irritants on the woman's body.

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