pharmachologic effect
Sinecode, the instruction on which applicationis presented below, an antitussive non-narcotic pharmaceutical agent of direct action. As part of the sinecode, the substance butamate is contained. This drug has a blocking effect on the cough center located in the medulla oblongata. Moreover, as the abstract emphasizes, the sinecode does not act depressingly on respiratory functions.
In addition to antitussive, sinecodealso has a bronchodilator and some anti-inflammatory effects. The drug significantly improves the indices of blood oxygenation and spirometry. When taken orally, the drug is quickly absorbed by the intestinal mucosa. Butamate is characterized by a high degree of connection with the protein substances of the plasma. The highest concentration of sinecode in the blood plasma is observed within one and a half hours after administration. In the body, the metabolism of the drug leads to the formation of metabolites active in pharmacological action. Hydrolysis of the sinecode is carried out in the blood. The metabolites obtained are similar to butamirate in pharmacological activity.
The drug does not accumulate in the body, repeatedthe drug does not change pharmacokinetics. The half-life of the sinecode is 6 hours. It is excreted from the body mainly by the kidneys in the form of metabolites or in an unchanged form.
Indications for use
The sinecode is used in the manifestation of debilitatingnon-productive cough of various origin, including with dry debilitating cough during pertussis, coughing of smokers, dry coughing with respiratory tract injuries. It is also used to suppress the cough reflex during diagnostic studies (bronchoscopy) and surgical intervention.
Mode of application
The sinecode is recommended to be taken before eating, the drops can be dissolved in a small volume of water. The course of treatment and dose of the drug is prescribed by the attending physician individually.
Sinekod-syrup, instructions for use
Patients aged 3-6 years receive, asrule, 5 ml of sinecode three times during the day. Patients aged 6-12 years - 10 ml three times a day. 12 years and more - 15 ml three times a day. Adults - 15 ml each, three to four doses per day. When dosing the syrup, it is recommended to use a measuring cap.
Sinecode - instruction for oral administration
The drug is prescribed for children starting from the age of two months. 2 months - 1 year: 10 drops - four times a day.
After one-year age the dose increases. From one to three: 13-15 drops - four times a day.
After the age of three, the maximum dose of "Sinekod" is allowed. Instruction for patients older than 3 years, adolescents and adults: 25 drops four times throughout the day.
Side effects
Treatment with this drug can cause the following side effects in patients: dizziness, headache, fatigue, nausea, stools, itching on the skin, rash, hives.
With individual hypersensitivity tocomponents of the drug; pulmonary haemorrhage; in the first trimester of pregnancy. Also, syrup is contraindicated in children under the age of three; drops (per os) are contraindicated in children under the age of three months.
Sinecode is contraindicated in women during the firsttrimester. In further periods of pregnancy the drug is used solely for the doctor's prescription. At present, there is no information on the allocation of a sinecode with breast milk. When appointing butamirate during lactation, it is recommended to decide on the termination of breastfeeding.
Overdose with the drug "Sinekod"
The instructions warn that overdose cancause the following phenomena: nausea with vomiting, disruption of the intestine, a drop in blood pressure, drowsiness, dizziness and loss of consciousness. In cases of overdosage, rinsing of the stomach is done, and enterosorbents are prescribed. Also prescribe osmotic laxatives and drugs to maintain the respiratory system and heart activity.
The preparation is produced in the following forms:
Syrup - bottles made from shaded glass (200 ml), in a set - one bottle with a measuring cap. Drops for oral administration are vials made of shaded glass (20 ml).
Storage conditions
The sinecode is stored in a dry place, the temperature is 15-30FROM. Shelf life - not more than 5 years. Components of the preparation: 1 cm3 of drops contains: 5 mg of butamirate citrate; auxiliary substances + ethyl alcohol. 10 cm3 of syrup contains: 15 mg of butamirate citrate; Excipients.