/ Sulfur plugs in the ears. Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Ripe corks in the ears. Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Our body is so arranged that every process,occurring in it, plays its important role. So, for example, sulfur, released from the ear canal, performs the function of protection, it protects the delicate skin from damage. In addition, going out, it captures bacteria and dirt. Normally, it should be released in small amounts, otherwise sulfur fuses in the ears may form. Symptoms, unfortunately, do not immediately manifest themselves if the clog is in one part of the auditory canal.

What are the causes of the sulfur plug

ear plugs
At first sight it is difficult to determine what, because ofthat there was a clog in the ear canal. Basically, doctors are inclined to several options. This may be due to the malfunctioning of the sebaceous glands and various other inflammatory diseases. It happens, this is affected by high cholesterol in the blood. But it is just part of the earwax. If there is a lot of cholesterol, then the released substance will be more. Cleaning the ear canal with cotton swabs can also cause clogging, because removing the sulfur in this way, some of it is involuntarily rammed inside. Cork may also appear due to water ingress into the ear. Under the influence of moisture, sulfur swells and closes the ear canal. It can also include diseases such as eczema and dermatitis. They cause inflammation of the auditory tube, as a result of which the work of the sebaceous glands also intensifies, which provokes the appearance of a cork in the ears.

ear plugs symptoms

  • Ear pain.
  • Hearing loss.
  • Dizziness, noise in the ears.
  • Shakiness of gait, loss of balance.
  • There is a feeling of congestion of the auditory canal.

All this indicates that you have an ear plug. Symptoms can not be ignored, it is better to see a doctor right away.


An accurate diagnosis, of course, can only deliverexperienced doctor. He will already understand everything from your words, but in addition he will necessarily examine the ear canal and find out if you have ear plugs, the symptoms of which you have described to him. But that is not all. After the diagnosis is made, the doctor needs to find out the nature of the education. In addition to simple, the cork is still epidermoid, and this is a more serious type of cork in the ears. Symptoms are slightly different - there may be an inflammatory reaction to the skin of the auditory canal.


The sulfur plug is usually removed by the powerful pressure of the warm solution, which is fed from the syringe directly into the ear canal. Quite often the blockage does not come out completely,

aural cork symptoms
so the procedure has to be repeated.After the rinsing is finished, the patient's head is turned to the shoulder to allow the remaining liquid to come out. The auditory canal is well dried and examined by the tympanic membrane in order to exclude its damage. In addition to washing, if you have ear pain, the doctor can prescribe analgesics. Sometimes, if the cork is very hard, they can prescribe a course of softening sulfur sulphide. Within 5-7 days, you will need to dig in the ear with a special solution, and only then you will be given a rinse from the syringe. After these simple procedures, the doctor will get rid of the cork in the ears, the symptoms of which are really unpleasant.

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