You have long cherished and cherished your grapes, already planned how you will harvest, but suddenly he was attacked by powdery mildew? It does not matter, the drug "Topaz" will come to your rescue.
The drug "Topaz", instructions for usewhich it confirms, has its advantages (in comparison with similar means). So, it can be used in the fight against such a disease as powdery mildew, in many cultures. A sufficient concentration of the active substance in the preparation reduces the frequency of processing of plants.
The drug "Topaz", instructions for usewhich is on the package, quickly absorbed by plants. This property allows you to reduce the likelihood that the product will be washed away by precipitation.
Validity of the drug "Topaz", instructions forthe application of which indicates this, an average of two to three weeks. In conditions when the disease is only developing, the activity time of the agent can be reduced to 10 days. This drug has a very high impact rate. Already after 2-3 hours the growth of the mycelium rarely slows down.
As a result of the conducted studies, it wasit has been established that this agent does not have a toxic effect on plants, that is, the consumption of fruits processed with this fungicide is absolutely harmless.
Instructions for the use of the drug "Topaz"recommends the preparation of a solution of the product immediately before its use. In this case, the effectiveness of the active components is much higher, and the result from the use of the agent will be better. It is strictly forbidden to use the drug the next day after its preparation.
Use Topaz Ke, instructions forthe application of which indicates this, it is necessary to observe a certain interval - in 2 weeks. Good results show treatment for the purpose of prevention. In this case, the concentration of the solution is reduced approximately by two times.