/ / Pharmaceutical remedy "Sinuforte". Reviews of the manufacturer and consumer

Pharmaceutical means "Sinuforte". Reviews of the manufacturer and consumer

When only the drug went on sale"Sinuforte", the manufacturer's comments noted that this drug, despite its effectiveness, is as safe as possible. This is due to its plant origin. The main component of the pharmaceutical product "Sinuforte" is the extract and juice of the European cyclamen.

pharmachologic effect

The effect of this remedy is directed to treatmentdiseases of the paranasal sinuses of an inflammatory nature. Getting on the mucous membrane of the nose, the medicine "Sinuforte" immediately causes there a reflex secretion. The reaction to the medication in the form of abundant purulent-mucous secretions lasts 30-60 minutes. During hypersecretion, an increase in the volume of inflammatory exudate with altered rheological properties occurs. The use of the Sinuforte medicine (droplets) results in the normalization of the viscosity of the exudate.

Этому лекарству свойственно местное decongestant action. It is achieved through the dehydration of the mucous membrane after stimulation of the glandular formations of the nasal cavity. Reflex hypersecretion and anti-edematous action of the drug in the complex lead to an expansion of the anastomoses between the paranasal sinuses and the nasal cavity. This facilitates the easy removal of serous-purulent contents of the sinuses in the nasopharynx.

Characterizing the medicinal product"Sinuforte" reviews indicate that under its action there is an intensive natural washing of all sinuses, and also their ventilation improves. In addition, the drug has a parasympathetic effect, as a result of which the microcirculation of the blood increases in the nasal mucosa and sinuses.


The drug is prescribed for patients with:

  • Острыми и хроническими синуситами (фронтиты, catarrhal and purulent sinusitis, sphenoiditis, etmoidites, polysinusitis). It should be noted that in purulent sinusitis, which are accompanied by infection or orbital complications, this drug should be taken in combination with antibiotics.
  • В качестве реабилитационной терапии после transfer of endoscopic operations (etmoidotomy, gajmeroetmoidotomy, frontoetmoidogamorotomy). In this case, intranasal treatment with medication is prescribed, starting from the second day after the last operation to reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa and drainage of the paranasal sinuses. Such actions avoid traditional rehabilitative postoperative measures (such as, for example, sinus lavage and anemia).


Among the contra-indications prohibiting the use of the Sinuforte pharmaceutical product, it is noted:

  • Age less than 12 years (this is due to the lack of clinical data).
  • Rhinosinusopathies of allergic origin.
  • Polypous cystic rhinosinusitis.
  • II and III degree of arterial hypertension.
  • Breastfeeding and pregnancy.
  • Allergic reactions in the area of ​​the nasal mucosa and face, having an acute nature.
  • High sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Side effect

Some patients taking the drug"Sinuforte", reviews of him left with a mark of unwanted side effects. The most frequent among them were local reactions: redness of the face, saliva and tearing (in most cases short-lived), burning sensation in the nasopharynx (it may be very weak or moderate). In isolated cases, people have noticed short headaches, pink nose color. Studying reviews about the pharmaceutical agent "Sinuforte", one can learn that all local reactions only confirm the local reflex effect of the drug, therefore, it is not necessary to stop using it.

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