Children are prone to various infections more oftenadults, they get sick heavier. One of the most common serious diseases that some parents do not take seriously is laryngitis. It is easy to confuse with a common cold, not always a child is even shown to the doctor. But unlike usual ORZ, quite dangerous disease - a laryngitis at children. Treatment at home is possible in mild cases and only after consulting a doctor. After all, without the necessary medical care, this disease can cause laryngospasm and stop breathing. Therefore, all parents need to know the symptoms of laryngitis, in time to see a doctor.
The doctor diagnoses "laryngitis" after examining the child's larynx. After all, the main symptoms of the disease are inflammation of the vocal cords.
- The slowness of the voice, the change in its timbre. The child is difficult to speak, in severe cases, the voice disappears completely.
- Dryness or burning in the throat, pain when swallowing.
- Dry barking cough.
- Coryza.
- Enlargement of the lymph nodes.
- The temperature with laryngitis in children is not always, but often rises to 39 degrees.
- Chills, weakness, anxiety.
- Shortness of breath, shortness of breath, often turning into a fury.
1. Catarrh of laryngitis is the easiest form of the disease. It does not always even increase the temperature. It appears dry cough, sore throat and hoarseness of voice.
2. Hypertrophic laryngitis develops after frequent cases of the disease. Small knots appear on the vocal cords. And the symptoms are the same: cough, pershenia, hoarseness.
3.Atrophic laryngitis in children is not found, because it is characterized by a strong thinning of the laryngeal mucosa. Cough with this disease is permanent, while veins with blood and purulent crusts leave.
4. Professional laryngitis is also rare in children. Is that those who are seriously engaged in vocals.
5. Chronic laryngitis often develops on the basis of allergy. The child suffers from a dry cough and sore throat, hoarseness of the voice. It can also occur with frequent colds.
6. Acute laryngitis in a child 3 years is most often. It can be caused by different causes and sometimes it is very difficult.
- Call an ambulance.
- Provide the child with fresh air, but not cold.
- Plant him, release him from tight clothes.
- Make a hot foot bath.
- The air breathed by the baby must be moistened. You can put a basin of hot water near him, hang a wet towel or take the baby to the bathroom more often and turn on hot water.
- You can let the child breathe over a hot soda solution.
- It is not advisable to eat or drink during an attack, as the laryngeal edema can cause food to get into the respiratory tract.
The most frequent diseases are children who visitchildren's institutions. Constant contact with a large number of people who may be infected with viruses, as well as nervous stress due to separation from the mother make the child vulnerable. Laryngitis in a child, 2 years old, is a fairly common disease, but children older than 5 years suffer from it very rarely. What reasons cause it?
- Viruses, most often ARVI or influenza, but laryngitis can develop and when infected with whooping cough, diphtheria, or scarlet fever.
- Allergens:tobacco smoke, the smell of paint or perfume, dust, animal hair or food. Help with laryngitis, children prone to allergies, should be given immediately, so as not to bring to laryngospasm and stenosis.
- Some medicines, especially in the form of a spray, the jet of which can cause a spasm of the larynx.
- A feature of the development of the baby. In some children, lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis develops from birth. They are prone to frequent colds and the appearance of edema.
- Very hot drinks or spicy food.
- Severe stress or psychological trauma can also cause laryngitis in children.
The child needs bed rest and calm. It is better, if the mother will be near, so the baby will be less nervous. It is very important not to let the child scream and talk a lot.
Do not give the child any medication withoutappointment of a doctor. Especially not recommended are products with strong odors and flavors, as they can cause allergies, often causing laryngitis in children. Treatment at home means taking anti-inflammatory, antitussive, antihistamines and antispasmodics prescribed by a doctor. With laryngitis, developed under the influence of the virus, antibiotics are useless, on the contrary, they can even worsen the situation. What helps with this disease?
2.Often, doctors prescribe sprays to relieve inflammation of the larynx or a resorption tablet. But it should be borne in mind that most of them can not be used for children under 5 years old. The most safe are such preparations: "IRS 19", "Geksoral", "Grammidine", "Stopangin" and some others.
3.Often there is a strong cough with laryngitis in a child. To help him fall asleep, the doctor can recommend antitussives: "Libexin", "Stoptussin", Sinekod "and others. And when the cough becomes wet, you need to take expectorants: "ATSTS", syrup of althea or thermopsis, "Bronchosan", "Lazolvan" and others.
4. With a strong increase in temperature, the child should be given an antipyretic: "Ibuprofen", "Paracetomol" or "Panadol".
5. An important means of preventing spasm of the larynx and removing the edema of the mucosa are spasmolytic and diuretic drugs, for example, "No-Shpa" and "Furosemide."
6. In very rare cases, if a bacterial infection has joined the disease, antibiotics are prescribed: Amoxiclav, Cefix, Clarithromycin and others.
Usually laryngitis occurs only in childrenpreschool age. To prevent its occurrence, it is necessary to strengthen the immunity of the child: he must eat properly, enough to walk in the fresh air. Protect your baby from exposure to allergens and strong odors, especially tobacco smoke. It is necessary to treat chronic diseases in time and eliminate foci of infection, for example, caries. Vocal cords should be protected and taught the child to speak in a low voice and not to scream. In the period of flu epidemics, it is better to give the baby extra immunostimulating drugs: Anaferon, Immunal or others recommended by the doctor. To protect against infections, use "Oksolinovuyu" ointment, and older children need to gargle with sage broth. To protect your child from hypothermia and colds, wear it on the weather, if he is still in the stroller, do not walk for a long time in the frost. It is very important in the nursery to regularly do the wet cleaning and to teach the baby to observe the rules of personal hygiene.