/ / African swine fever: symptoms, diagnosis, methods of struggle

African swine fever: symptoms, diagnosis, methods of struggle

Many countries of the world have faced a diseaseglobal scale, which is still little studied. A disease capable of deliberately folding a part of the economy of even the most developed country. "African swine fever" - the so-called disease, which affects agriculture and the budget of many countries. The fight against African swine fever is everywhere, but so far it has not been effective to win it.

signs of African swine fever

African swine fever, the symptoms of whichappear shortly before the death of the animal, this is a very contagious viral disease. The virus of the disease is very stable and dangerous for wild and domestic pigs of any age. Animals are infected by airborne droplets from diseased or already ill individuals. The carriers of the disease are people, transport, insects. Outbreaks of the disease appear at any time of the year.

African swine fever: symptoms of disease

The incubation period of the disease is usually from 3 to 9 days. The disease begins sharply with a rise in temperature in the animal to 42 degrees Celsius. The main symptoms of the onset of the disease are:

  • high body temperature of the animal;
  • shortness of breath with a piercing cough;
  • excited behavior;
  • inflammation of the eyelids and eyeballs.

At the last stage of the diseasethere is arrhythmia, thirst, weakness, hemorrhages in the organs and tissues, paralysis of the extremities. Signs of African plague in pigs often manifest late, when the animal can no longer be saved. A disease that has survived, but survived, is a virus carrier forever. Immunity from the disease is not produced.

Diagnosis of African swine fever (ASF)

African swine fever symptoms

To make a diagnosis, the animal is seized forlaboratory research by the staff of the veterinary service. It is on the basis of clinical and pathoanatomical data that it is concluded that this is African swine fever. Symptoms of the disease are carefully studied in order to differentiate the diagnosis.

Measures to combat African swine fever

When an animal is identified with suspicion of ASF,The territory of the economy is quarantined, and the entire pig population is destroyed by a bloodless method. All inventory, manure, feed is burned, and the room is treated three times with a disinfectant solution. Also, processing of the transport in contact with the source of infection is carried out. Immediately excluded is the import and export of animals from the quarantine zone.

fighting African swine fever

African swine fever: how to warn

Measures to prevent infection of ASF include:

  • the exclusion of the free maintenance of animals;
  • fencing of the economy from hitting other animals on the territory;
  • daily inspection by an animal veterinarian;
  • disinfection of transport at the entrance to the territory of the economy;
  • thermal processing of animal feed;
  • the implementation of sanitary standards in the territory of keeping animals, etc.

What to do if you suspect that youranimals African swine fever? Symptoms of the disease are similar to other infections, but you should not take risks. It is necessary to immediately call the veterinary service, which will determine the disease and the course of events.

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