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Effective means for thrush

It is difficult to cure thrush, many women who have faced the problem of constant exacerbation of candidiasis will agree with this.

In today's world, women expose themselves to the influence of many factors that reduce immunity. And the main cause of thrush lies in the weakness of the body's defenses.

To list all the harmful effects that we experience on ourselves every day, especially if we live in a big city, does not make sense. Most of them already know about them.

It is important to conclude that the treatment ofthrush both medicinal and folk remedies will be effective only if you change your lifestyle to a healthier one, and eat and strengthen the whole body properly.

Someone may think that doctors are powerlessbefore this ailment. Having appointed one type of treatment, cancel it, designate another. In fact, doctors constantly monitor the appearance of new drugs and prescribe exactly those that are considered to be the most effective at the moment.

Choosing a medicament for thrush

Selection of medicines begins with a survey,revealing the specific causative agent of the disease. Further, proceeding from the received information, the doctor chooses the medicine that will have the best effect on the detected microorganism.

All medicines for thrush can be divided into two groups.

The first - local medicine.This includes creams, suppositories, gels, vaginal tablets. Despite the fact that these drugs only work in the vagina, and if they are absorbed, then only in a minimal amount, their use during pregnancy is undesirable (solely for the doctor's prescription!).

The second group is general medicine. These are tablets that are supposed to be taken orally. They affect the whole body.

As an example, such a preparation,as "Pimafucin" (the active substance is natamycin). Known are the medicines of the triazoles group, to which the drug "Diflucan", known to many, belongs. In this case, one-time intake of one tablet can destroy the fungus and alleviate the condition.

There are other drugs for treatment of thrush, the effectiveness of which depends on your features.

Folk remedies for thrush

Before applying any folk remedies,it is necessary to consult a doctor. First, you need an accurate confirmation of the diagnosis, and secondly, not all miraculous techniques are safe and can be applied without risk. This is especially important if it is a question of treatment thrush during pregnancy.

Folk remedies for thrush to a large extentbased on the use of various herbal remedies for washing, douching, and also for drinking. Often, for washing, use the infusion of calendula, chamomile, yarrow, sage, and also the collections of these herbs. Infusions and decoctions of these plants relieve unbearable itching, ease the condition.

In addition, many doctors say thatthe occurrence of thrush is associated with a lack of beta-carotene. Therefore, for its successful treatment, it is recommended to drink fresh carrot juice. For its better absorption, you can add a little cream to the glass.

Carrot juice in general is very useful in all sorts of gynecological diseases.

Также рекомендуются подмывания раствором соды и a few drops of iodine. This mixture is similar in composition to sea water. It is known that such water is very useful for treating many female diseases, due to its disinfecting effect.

In conclusion, you can say that the funds for thrush are very diverse, and if you pick up the one that is right for you, then you must get rid of this unpleasant disease.

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