Prolit-super is biologically activean additive containing in the composition: glycyrrizinic acid, organic acids, tannins and panaxosides. This drug helps to normalize the functional state of the urinary system.
The preparation "Prolit-super capsules".The composition includes an extract of ginseng roots, an extract of leaves of a silkworm of curly, also contains extract of leaves of kidney tea and sea horses, as well as extracts of the rhizome of the emperor cylindrical and the root of licorice naked. The auxiliary substance that is part of this product is starch.
The effect of the components that make up the Prolet-Super:
- Curly silk has a diureticaction, and also has an anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect. It is used as a remedy that dissolves, prevents the appearance and removes from the urinary tract concrements. It also helps to stop attacks of renal colic. The composition of the curly silkworm includes substances that can accelerate the epithelization of the damaged urinary tract and quickly restore it. It is a strong antioxidant, has an immunostimulating effect;
- Kidney tea is a natural diuretic.It has a diuretic effect that accompanies the increased isolation of chlorides from the body, as well as of uric acid and urea, increases glomerular filtration, improves the function of the tubules. This tea is effective in the long-term treatment of kidney diseases, which are accompanied by edema, stone formation, azotemia and albuminuria;
- ginseng is used as a tonic andadaptogenic agent. It also helps stimulate brain activity, accelerates wound healing processes, antistress action, has anti-inflammatory effect, increases resistance to hypotension and protects the body from the action of certain chemical elements;
- sea horse has in its composition a complexpeptides, hypoxanthine and xanthine. It has a tonic effect, stimulates sexual activity. This component is used in medicine as a general restorative;
- Licorice naked has antispasmodic andanti-inflammatory effect. It contains derivatives of glycyrrhizic acid, namely they have a high anti-inflammatory activity. This activity is not inferior to the antiflogistic action of butadione and glucocorticoids, and sometimes considerably exceeds them. Licorice naked has an anti-inflammatory effect due to the stimulating effect of glycyrrhizic acid on the adrenal glands;
- the emperor cylindrical has a diuretic andhemostatic effect. It is used for inflammation of the bladder and urinary canal, as well as in the presence of chronic hepatitis, renal and cardiac edema.
Adults should take one or two capsules Prolit-super two or three times a day, do it during meals. Duration of treatment is 1-2 months.
Contraindications to the use of Proliet-super:insomnia, high blood pressure, individual intolerance, a violation of the rhythm of the heart, pregnancy, the period of breast-feeding. The drug is contraindicated in the presence of severe atherosclerosis, increased nervous excitability.
Prolit-super - reviews about the drug
Patients note that the use of the drughelps to effectively get rid of small stones in the kidneys and with its further use prevents their appearance. Also, some people note the mild laxative effect of the drug.