Treatment of diarrhea in children can include the use of both traditional remedies and medicinal herbs. However, the main condition for effective therapy is normal nutrition.
To prevent dehydration, children are most often prescribed drugs containing electrolytes. These include Litren, Pedialite, Resol and others.
A fairly common medicine isdiarrhea for children Loperamide. It can be purchased without a prescription. This medicine is produced from diarrhea in the form of a liquid (Imodium AD) or tablets. This medication should not be given to a child at a temperature of more than 38 degrees or if blood is detected in the stool. The drug is contraindicated for children under twelve years of age.
Another cure for diarrhea is Kashin-pectin.More this drug is known as Kaopectat. The medication is available in the pharmacy without a prescription. It has the properties of binding substances in the intestine with a surplus of water. Thus, the stool becomes more dry and firm. In this case, in the apparent absence of diarrhea, the child loses the same amount of water as if it had not been treated at all. Against the background of preparations containing kaolin, the stool looks different, but the condition is not alleviated.
Bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol) alsosold without a prescription. This medicine for diarrhea has the property of joining a bacterium or a toxin that provoked diarrhea. Thus, the deactivation of foreign matter takes place, as a result, it ceases to harm the body. This cure for diarrhea can change the color of stool - the stool can turn black. The medicine is indicated to children over two years old.
If diarrhea is provoked by bacterialinfection, which is proven by laboratory tests, antibiotics can help in relieving the condition. The expediency of using these medicines is determined only by the doctor, taking into account the results of the studies.
In the treatment of diarrhea, the child attaches special importance to the diet. At the same time, the main task is not to allow dehydration.
In the acute period of diarrhea, care must be taken to ensure that the child receives enough fluids. He needs to drink more often. To avoid the occurrence of vomiting, do not give plenty of fluids.
Dairy products are not recommended for the entire treatment period and for two weeks after it, as they irritate the intestines.
If diarrhea in a newborn baby who is onbreastfeeding, specialists do not recommend stopping lactation. Milk of the mother does not provoke or aggravate diarrhea. Very often, a diet that consists only of water and mother's milk helps to get rid of the condition.
As a rule, diarrhea is accompanied by an appetite disorder. Therefore, during the treatment period, transparent broths, herbal teas or decoctions, diluted juices are recommended.
After recovery, do not load the stomach and intestines. The child's diet should contain simple digestible products. These include cereals, mashed potatoes, bananas, cooked vegetables.
During the first two days are not recommendedproteins. If any disease occurs, especially if associated with the gastrointestinal tract, fats should be excluded. It should be noted that they are difficult enough to digest even in an adult, let alone the upset children's intestines. Undigested fats significantly exacerbate intoxication.
It is necessary to exclude from the dietRefined sugar, especially if the child's diarrhea is of a bacterial nature. This is due to the increased activity of bacteria in the presence of sugar. In addition, it increases acidity, which greatly slows the elimination of diarrhea.