In Denmark, a biologically activeadditive - "Gerimaks Energia". Reviews of this drug indicate that it is very popular in Western European countries. In carrying out multiple clinical trials, its effectiveness has been proven.
In Russia is also quite widespreadhas received the pharmaceutical means "Gerimaks Energia", the composition of which is unique. It is a complex of 7 minerals, 10 vitamins, an extract of green tea and ginseng.
Препарат «Геримакс энерджи» отзывы имеет весьма good. Some patients indicate an improvement in the concentration of attention and memory, others say that this remedy helps to restore the body after the illness, while others recommend taking it during a period of lowering physical and intellectual performance, as well as in case of sleep disturbance.
Основные тонизирующие и лечебно-профилактические the actions of this supplement are to prevent vitamin-mineral deficiency, to alleviate stressful conditions or fatigue, to increase the overall resistance of the organism.
However, there is another very good propertybiologically active preparation "Gerimax Energy". Reviews of pharmacists testify that it helps to control weight, because this is the only kind of toning complex with the content of green tea extract. Its dosage is approximately 8 cups of this drink.
As you know, green tea is extremely useful. After all, it removes toxins and toxins from the body, improves metabolic processes, thereby helping to get rid of excess weight.
In addition, the Japanese green tea is considered a panaceafrom cancer (it was found that it reduces the rate of growth of tumors). This is explained by the fact that catechins (components of green tea with biological activity) react with free radicals that provoke cancer, and thus protect the genetic apparatus of cells from them.
And the Chinese claim that the extract of green tea has an anti-inflammatory effect and is effective in radiation sickness.
Based on all of the above properties of the biologically active drug "Gerimax Energy", the instruction accompanying the package indicates the following indications for use:
stimulating concentration and memory;
improved performance;
normalization of blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetes;
strengthening immunity;
increased vitality and elevation of mood.
Among the contraindications are pregnancy, childhood, breastfeeding, excessive nervous irritability, insomnia, hypertension, intolerance to the components of the drug.
As evidenced by the drug "GerimaksEnergy "customer reviews, this pharmaceutical agent is released freely, i.e. without a doctor's prescription. In this regard, anyone can purchase this drug at the pharmacy.
To get the desired result, takethe drug should be 7-8 weeks in the morning one tablet per day. The effect begins to appear only after one week and lasts for a month after the end of the course.
As for side effects, thisthe drug almost never causes them. In very rare cases, reactions associated with hypersensitivity to dietary supplements may occur. Sometimes there are gastrointestinal disturbances, because in the preparation "Gerimaks energy" contains iron. As a result of taking too large doses, sleep may be disturbed.
It must be said that the pharmaceutical agent"Gerimax Energy" is safe for use by a person who does not have serious pathologies. It is not doping and not addictive. But in any case, before using this supplement, it is better to ask the advice of your doctor.