/ / Erythrocytes: norm and possible deviations

Erythrocytes: the norm and possible deviations

Blood, like any tissue, consists of cells andcarrying out their metabolism of intercellular substance. At the same time, their ratio is such that it is more like a suspension of shaped elements (cells) in a liquid medium.

erythrocyte norm
The formation of cells takes place in the bone marrow fromred and white shoots, and then through multiple sinusoidal capillaries they enter the general bloodstream, where they perform their highly specialized functions. However, before that, they undergo multistep differentiation from the common precursor cell of the polypotent stem cell to mature cells: leuko-, thrombotic and erythrocytes, the norm of all these cells can fluctuate as a manifestation of compensation or pathology. The latter are the main oxygen transporters, while the remaining white blood cells (leukocytes, composed of 5 classes) and platelets (platelets) perform multifaceted protective reactions. So, lymphocytes provide immunity, neutrophils and monocytes - phagocytosis and proteolysis, base and eisinophiles - secretion of BAS: histamine, thromboxanes, prostaglandins and leukotrienes, FAT, which promote vasoconstriction and activation of other cells. Platelets form a kind of "plugs" when the vascular wall is damaged.

Erythrocytes, norm: structure and functions

erythrocytes are normal

Erythrocytes are among the mosthighly specialized cells. Their young progenitors are called reticulocytes, when they mature, the cell gradually loses the nucleus and replaces it with hemoglobin, a quaternary protein that is able to form a weak compound with oxygen, so that it can easily be captured in the pulmonary capillaries and also easily deposited in tissues. Erythrocytes normally possess a biconcave form, as it gives them a number of advantages, increasing the surface area for binding more oxygen and allowing them to "fold" when passing through the vessels of the smallest caliber of the microcirculatory bed. Since men expend more energy and, correspondingly, oxygen, red blood cells have a greater concentration in their blood.

erythrocyte norm in women

The norm in women is 3.9 - 4.7 * 10 ^ 12 / l, andmen the same rate is 4.0-5.0 * 10 ^ 12 / l. This is also due to a higher level of androgens, which have a stimulating effect on erythropoiesis. Another important component of the UAC is the level of hemoglobin, because with a decrease in its concentration per unit volume of blood, a pathological state of "anemia" occurs, accompanied by increasing hypoxia and ischemia of the organs. The color indicator reflects how much red blood cells are saturated with hemoglobin. The norm of this indicator is 0.8-1.05 units, and when it decreases, we can talk about hypochromic anemia. Also, anemia can be normochromic, as with increased hemolysis, when increased erythrocytes in the tissues are exposed, the norm of which is maintained by the balance of their synthesis in the CMC, lesions occur in the liver and spleen after 90-110 days. Hyperchromic anemia is observed with the so-called. megaloblastic anemia, developing with a deficiency of vitamin B12 or H4 folate, the most important components of erythropoiesis.

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