/ / Ear drops "Otypaks". Let's say otitis: "no"

Drops of ear "Otypaks". Let's say otitis: "no"

Most of us, sad as it may seem,It is familiar not by hearsay unbearable and exhausting ear pain. Even the slightest touch of the ear in otitis can cause acute pain, which is felt not only in the ear, but also spreads over the entire head. Usually acute catarrhal otitis is nothing but a bacterial complication resulting from a cold in the cold season. In case of unforeseen circumstances, for example, when diving or when flying in an airplane, barotraumatic otitis may occur.

What to do when the pain is caught in the veryan unexpected moment? Pay attention to the modern preparation - ear drops "Otypaks". They were created by the French company Biocodex. Their high efficiency is due to the combination of two components: phenazone, from the category of non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, and lidocaine is a local anesthetic that alleviates the pain literally within five minutes after the agent has been dropped.

As mentioned above, ENT diseasesare, more often, complications of influenza, ARVI, angina, sinusitis and rhinitis. Therefore, it is important that the drops in the ears of "Otypaks" are used even in the treatment of babies, because it is their otitis often occurs very suddenly. The most common disease among children from 4 to 6 years is the inflammation of the middle ear, which appears as a result of respiratory tract infections. Its danger is that it can cause serious complications in the future. Often this disease develops rapidly, so it is necessary to begin treatment with its first signs. "Otipaks" (droplets) have a local effect, so you can not worry about the rest of the baby's body.

If you want to go on vacation somewhere closerto the sea, or, perhaps, to the dacha, be sure to take care of having a first aid kit with the most necessary medicines. After all, no one knows when, where and how to get this or that trauma, and also earn otitis. If you do not manage to prevent such a nuisance, then, in any case, you will be able to provide first aid. Having in his road first-aid kit, among other things, a drop of otipax, you can avoid the negative consequences caused by pressure drops in the depth or in the airplane. In addition, if you are traveling to another country, remember that the doctors' services are very expensive there, and the drugs that they can appoint in case of something, you are most likely to be unknown. In addition, in some foreign clinics seen a trend - tourists treated, for example, aspirin or antibiotics. It does not matter what a person is sick at.

How to use ear drops "Otypaks"?Adults in the external auditory canal are instilled with 4 drops of the drug, 3 times a day. Little children, who are less than a year - 1-2 drops, from one year to 2 years - 3 drops. Babies older than two years drip, as well as adults - 4 drops of funds. When dripping ears for a child, the remedy can be heated slightly. After they injected the drug, let the baby take 15 minutes to lie on the side opposite the patient's ear. The course of treatment, for both children and adults, should not exceed ten days. This drug is suitable even for pregnant women, but, in any case, you need to consult a doctor.

Contraindications include:an allergic reaction to lidocaine and a defect of the tympanic membrane. Whether you have it or not, you need to find out from the ENT doctor. If you need to treat your ear, but you do not know if the eardrum is damaged, and you can not get to the doctor for some reason, try to go for a little trick: roll a piece of bint or gauze with a tube, drop drops of "Otypax" just a couple of droplets, and as deep as possible shove in your ear. The medicine in this case will operate slightly more slowly, but, if there are damages to the membrane, the hearing still does not hurt.

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