/ / Bilberry forte for the treatment and prevention of eye diseases

Blueberry forte for the treatment and prevention of eye diseases

It has long been known and proven that blueberries helpa person is better to navigate in the twilight time of day. It increases visual acuity, relieves eye fatigue and normalizes metabolic processes in the retina. People who eat this berry in large quantities, almost do not complain about violations from the organ of vision. Studies conducted in laboratory conditions prove that regular use of blueberries effectively fights with loss of memory, aging, muscular atrophy and impaired motor functions.

Based on all these, indisputably, usefulactions, the drug "Blueberry Forte" was created. This biologically active supplement finds positive responses in different age groups of the population. Regular use of this drug leads to increased visual acuity and better overall health.

Statistics say that most people,who ever used medicines to improve vision, determined the best drug "Blueberry Forte". Regular reception of this remedy allows you to push the onset of age-related changes in the eyes. The predominant role in this is played by blueberry anthocyanins.

Medications, which include blueberries,very much, but today we are talking about the biologically active supplement "Blueberry Forte." Its composition is unique. It includes, besides the anthocyanins of blueberries, vitamins of group B (B1, B6, B12), rutin and a trace element such as zinc. A large number of vitamins secretes this drug from a variety of others, designed to improve vision.

В лечении и профилактике заболеваний глаз вам will help "Blueberry Forte", thanks to which the deficit of substances necessary for the organ of vision is completely filled. Thanks to its strong antioxidant zinc, the human eye is reliably protected from the negative effects of free radicals. Zinc prevents the risk of retinal damage associated with direct exposure to ultraviolet rays. With the systematic use of this additive, vision is noticeably improved in the twilight period.

In the modern world, human eyes are constantlyexperiencing increased stress. People of different professions and different sectors of society, regardless of their age, receive a large amount of information that enters through their eyes. These are television, computers, prints, etc. To facilitate the work and minimize eye fatigue, it is recommended to use the drug "Blueberry Forte". With intensive loads, it is able to reduce the risk of possible ocular hemorrhage, normalizes intraocular pressure, and strengthens the walls of the capillaries.

Вещества, входящие в состав черники, помогают normalize the permeability of cell membranes and accelerate blood flow in the retina. In addition, they eliminate inflammation and redness, have an antibacterial effect, and are capable of healing retinal damage.

Эту добавку рекомендуется принимать при глазных vascular pathologies in combination with other drugs. These diseases include glaucoma, cataracts and myopia. Do not forget about it and patients suffering from "night blindness." In this case, no doubt, will help "Blueberry Forte." Instructions for use designed for children and adults. According to the prescription, children from 12 years old and adults should take this drug, 2 tablets 2 times a day. The course is designed for 2-4 months.

There are contraindications even in "Blueberry Forte".The manual contains information about possible allergic reactions in case of hypersensitivity to the individual components of the drug. To refrain from taking should be pregnant women and mothers while feeding babies.

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