/ / Stay healthy, or treat your throat

Be healthy, or than to treat the throat

With the advent of the child, every young motherbegins to be more careful and careful about their health. You can even note that this behavior is formed somewhere in the subconscious, because the fear of harming the baby is very high. Nevertheless, sometimes in spite of all precautions, there are pains in the throat. And now it is very important to understand why they arise, what to do with these pains and what to treat the throat.

Before starting treatment,that it caused painful sensations in the throat, because it can not just be sick. As a rule, this is just one of many symptoms of the disease. In the first place, of course, you need to seek advice from a specialist otolaryngologist who can correctly identify a specific disease and make a diagnosis.

Часто боли в горле, сопровождающиеся изменением voice or lack of it, as well as a dry cough that turns into a cough with phlegm, speaks of pharyngitis. It is an inflammation of the mucosa in the pharynx, which is usually caused by bacteria, and in rare cases also by viruses, such as influenza. Than to treat a throat at a pharyngitis is better known only by the expert. More often, having defined a pharyngitis, the complex of preparations is appointed, among which are Sepptelet, Strepsils, Pharyngosept. To successfully get rid of the disease, in addition to the medications prescribed by the doctor, you must follow the diet and significantly reduce the vocal activity. It is not recommended to eat spicy dishes, sour and salty. It is very important during an illness to exclude from the diet of any alcohol and stop smoking.

Pain in the throat can also be accompanied by dryness,perspiration, dry cough and a slight increase in temperature. This indicates laryngitis, a disease in which inflammation of the larynx is observed. When deciding what to treat the throat with laryngitis, it is necessary first of all to take care to eliminate the possibility of returning the disease. The use of any medication alone is not recommended, it is better to listen to the doctor's instructions. Speed ​​up the recovery diet and a plentiful warm drink.

If there is a high fever among the symptoms,there is a significant increase in lymph nodes, muscle aches, stomach, then you can confidently diagnose angina, or tonsillitis. Than to treat a throat in that case many know, but, nevertheless, success of convalescence nevertheless depends on the doctor. Only he can prescribe drugs, the use of which will lead to an early recovery without consequences. To increase the effectiveness of therapy, it is necessary to adhere to a diet in which the products rich in vitamin C must necessarily be present. Vitamins of group B also contribute to cure.

Particular attention must be paid to whatto treat the throat of a nursing mother. Of course, modern pharmacology now offers the possibility of a huge choice, and the doctor should take into account the fact of breastfeeding when prescribing medicines, but nevertheless, one should know that the use of drugs containing even a small dose of an antibiotic is not recommended, since it falls into breast milk and can harm the baby. To gargle the throat the most effective folk remedy is recognized as a decoction of chamomile or calendula, and among medicines the most sparing is Bioparox. If the baby himself falls ill, it is necessary to first consult with a doctor, than to treat the throat of a baby. Many pediatricians prescribe such drugs as Septypril, Aflubin, Lisobakt. In this case, not every mother will want to give her child a pill. In this case, the same chamomile and calendula will come to the rescue. Using a syringe, it is very necessary to irrigate the sick neck very carefully. You can also brew and give a baby warm tea from chamomile.

It is very important not to forget that self-medication can lead to complications and still contact a doctor for information than to treat the throat, both in the nursing mom and the baby.

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