/ / Sulfur Ointment: use in various skin diseases

Sulfur Ointment: use in various skin diseases

The ointment containing sulfur is effective atskin diseases caused by fungi (dermatomycosis): lichen, epidermophytosis and others. Another area of ​​its use is the treatment of scabies: here the sulfuric ointment, the use of which gives a wonderful therapeutic effect, is practically unrivaled. It is also used in the treatment of seborrhea, psoriasis, as well as in sycosis - inflammation of hair follicles, caused by staphylococcus.

In 100 grams of sulfuric ointment contains 33.3 mgof precipitated sulfur. Basis for it is Vaseline with an emulsifier and a small amount of water. Its use in medical practice is due to the ability to react with organic substances, resulting in the formation of pentathic acid and sulphides. They provide antimicrobial, antiparasitic and keratolytic effect from the use of drugs with sulfur. For a long time this substance, purified and precipitated, was used in dermatology not only in the form of ointments, but also in powders.

Apply sulfuric ointment from lichen or otherskin diseases on any part of the body, excluding the face and scalp. With ringworm, it is usually used in combination with cauterization of iodine. Treatment of this disease, as a rule, takes about ten days. When scabies, sulfuric ointment, the use of which must be combined with the boiling of bed linen and the disinfection of personal belongings and upholstered furniture, is rubbed into the skin, except the scalp and face, once a day for five days. During this time it is undesirable to take a shower or a bath - this can be done only after the end of the course, one day after the last rubbing of the ointment.

With the cutaneous form of demodecosis - a disease,caused by a small mite parasite demodex (an acne vulgaris), sulfuric ointment can also significantly alleviate the patient's condition and appearance. Skin with this disease is covered with red spots, similar to acne: the microbe is parasitic in the mouths of the hair follicles and the ducts of the sebaceous glands. When the form of the disease is started, the skin becomes purple and becomes uneven. Serum ointment from demodex is quite effective - with this disease its use should be combined with ingestion of the antimicrobial drug "Metronidazole". It should be remembered that it is undesirable to use sulfuric ointment on the face skin, therefore it is necessary to consult the doctor in advance.

Thus, sulfuric ointment, the use of whichIt is also shown for dermatitis and acne, it is an effective, proven for years a remedy for skin diseases. However, it also has a serious drawback - it is a persistent, unpleasant odor. In addition, sulfuric ointment, the use of which usually gives a good effect, spoils clothes and bed linens. Use it for longer than ten days in a row is undesirable: in this case, however, as with repeated treatment, skin irritation may occur. Its appearance is possible and almost immediately - with individual intolerance to the components of the ointment. Nevertheless, this remedy is quite harmless: when applied externally, its components do not enter the bloodstream.

Serum ointment can not be treated for children under threeage, and up to five years old - it is possible only with the permission of the doctor. Apply it at any age should only according to the scheme prescribed by a dermatologist. Ingestion of the ointment in the eyes or on the mucous membranes is highly undesirable - in this case it is necessary to rinse them with water.

A sulfuric ointment is produced in tubes or cans made ofdark glass. Keep it in the dark, in a cool place. It must be remembered that sulfuric ointment in the treatment of skin diseases can not be combined with external means, which contain organic compounds, since sulfur can react with them.

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