About what is needed for the drug "DoppellertsEnergotonik ", we will tell in this article. Also, you will find out what properties this preparation has, whether it has analogues, contraindications and side effects.
In what form is produced "Energetikon Doppelherz"? In the sale of such medication comes in the form of a solution, which is intended for oral administration.
The sweetish liquid has a pleasant aroma and a brown color. The drug is packaged in dark glass bottles, the volume of which can be as high as 500, 250 ml, and 1000, 750 ml.
What substances includes the "Energy Doppelherz"? The opinions of specialists speak of the following components:
One can not help saying that the "Energy Doppelherz" contains the tinctures of such plants as:
How does Energotonik Doppelgerts work?The instruction of this drug informs patients that it is a combined remedy, which contains a whole range of trace elements, vitamins and active herbal ingredients.
According to experts, this drugacts on the human body as an anti-toxic, vasodilating, antioxidant and angioprotective medicine. Under the influence of this drug, almost all processes of protein, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism are normalized. Also, the solution stimulates non-specific immunity, has a pronounced neuro-and cardioprotective effects.
What can be assigned to "Doppelgerts Energotonik"? The composition of this medicine is such that it is actively used in the following cases:
In what cases should not be treated with the drug "Doppelgerts Energotonik"? According to the instructions, this medication has the following contraindications:
The solution in question is intended only foringestion. In this case, the drug should not be diluted. The maximum effect of the drug on the human body will be strongest if taken immediately after a meal.
The duration of the course of therapy, as well as the dosage of the funds should be determined only by experts on an individual basis.
As a rule, "Doppelgerts Energotonik" is prescribedadults 20 ml three times a day. Treatment with this dosage should not last more than three months. If necessary, you can repeat the course. However, this should be done only 14-21 days after the completion of the first course.
Do adverse reactions occur during reception?a drug like Energotonik Doppelgerz? Reviews of doctors say that this tool is tolerated by patients quite well. Although in rare cases the following side effects may occur:
We can not say that in the process of therapy with this drug in humans may be marked dark feces.
Thus, if a patient has at least one of the above-described side effects while taking a medicinal solution, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Before taking the medicinal solution"Doppelgerts Energotonik", you should consult with your doctor and study the attached instructions. By the way, from the latter you can learn that it is strictly forbidden to use the above-mentioned drug at the same time as agents that contain copper, manganese, vitamins and iron.
Also, the Doppelgerts Energotonik solution should not be combined with psychotropic drugs and medicines that cannot be taken with ethanol.
О каких особенностях необходимо знать, прежде чем to use for treatment "Doppelgerts Energotonik"? Elixir (250 ml, 750 ml, 1000 ml and 500 ml) contains 15% ethanol. Thus, there is about 2.5 g of alcohol in 20 ml of the medicinal solution.
Patients with a diagnosis of "diabetes mellitus" need to consider that in 20 ml of the drug contains about 0.32 XE.
Due to the fact that the composition of themedicaments include vegetable ingredients, during storage, the solution may slightly change in color. Also, the taste of the elixir often changes. However, this does not affect the pharmacological properties of the drug.
The ethanol content of the solution shouldBe sure to remember those patients who drive vehicles or are engaged in work that requires maximum attention. By the way, during therapy with this drug, people can noticeably decrease psychomotor reactions.
What drugs can replace the consideredsolution? Today, there are quite a large number of different products that contain minerals and vitamins. Such well-known complexes as “Biovital”, “Vitrum Beauty”, “Vitamax”, “Pantovigar”, “Jeriton”, “Kvadevit”, “Revalid”, “Multi-Tabs” and others are referred to them.
To get the maximum therapeutic effect from taking the listed drugs, only the attending physician should select them, taking into account all the individual characteristics of the patient.
As for the price, then the drug "Doppelgerts Energotonik" it is quite high. In pharmacy chains, 250 ml of solution can be purchased on average for 380-440 Russian rubles.
Now you know how and what to use."Doppelgerts Energotonik". It should be noted that there is a huge amount of feedback about this medication. This is due to the fact that it is very popular among doctors and patients.
Those people who have ever taken this drugthey speak of him only on the positive side. Patients note the beneficial effect of the solution on the work of the heart. The drug manifests itself as a highly effective tonic.
According to reviews of patients, the elixir "Doppelgerts Energotonik" well increases the efficiency and resistance to stress, as well as stimulates mental and physical activity.
However, besides the positive sides, thisthe drug is also negative. Some patients complain about the very high cost of the solution. However, doctors argue that the price of the elixir is fully justified.
Also, people sometimes get information thatthis medication may cause such unpleasant side effects as nausea, sensitivity to light, vomiting and digestive disorders. If such effects occur, experts recommend to abandon the solution and replace it with a safer means. However, before this you should always consult a doctor.