Кишечная колика, что это такое?These are strong attacks of pain in the intestines, which indicate diseases and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Such a colic can not be called a disease. It is more a symptom, a manifestation of other diseases. What are intestinal colic, the symptoms, the causes of their appearance and the methods of treatment we will consider in this article.
What are the causes of colic?
Let's talk in more detail about what can cause intestinal colic, the symptoms of which we will consider below:
- spasms of the colon and bowel disease;
- stretching of the intestinal loop;
- irritation of nerve endings on the walls of the intestine;
- intestinal obstruction due to accumulation of fecal masses, violations of motility of the colon or any other obstruction.
Provoke all this can often stress,lifting weights, increased physical activity, poisoning, infection. Intestinal colic, the symptoms of which have an acute manifestation, can also be caused by malnutrition, abuse of too fatty foods and poorly digested foods.
Symptoms of colic

Not to notice its appearance is quite difficult due to pronounced signs. Intestinal colic symptoms can have the following:
- Spasms in the intestines, accompanied by acute rapidly growing pain in the groin.
- Pain in men can give to the testicles, and in women - to the genitals.
- Sensation of "swelling" of the abdomen.
- Excretion of mucus in feces.
- Violation of calorie formation, diarrhea.
- Painful sensations when pressing on the abdomen.
- Nausea, dizziness is possible.
- In the presence of gastritis, the patient may lose his appetite, vomiting may appear.
A similar state of time may lasta couple of hours or even a few days. Intestinal colic in children is expressed in excitation, anxiety, irritability, crying and pulling the legs to the stomach. Such symptoms disappear after the gases come off and can be associated with:
- lag in the development of different organs during the first weeks and months of life;
- habituation to breast milk.
Treatment of colic

Кишечная колика, симптомы который мы уже examined earlier, appears, as a rule, unexpectedly, and it is promoted by strong shocks and stresses. At the time of its appearance, you need to do everything to relieve the pain, that is, block the spasms. After this, the patient should visit a doctor to find out the cause of colic. Of course, it could have been caused by simple overstrain, but it is impossible to exclude the presence of infections that can lead to serious consequences. As a first aid, the patient needs warmth in the groin area and pain medications (for example, "No-shpa" medication). To do this, you can use a heating pad or an ordinary plastic bottle filled with hot water. Take food for 12 hours is not recommended. It is better to do with weak tea and crackers. To clear the intestine, you can use an enema. If all the above actions did not work, and the condition was repeated, then a visit to the hospital is mandatory.