The medicine "Etatsizin", the price of which is from660 r., Refers to antiarrhythmic agents of prolonged exposure. Therapeutic effect is noted on the first-second day of treatment. Duration of admission is determined in accordance with the result, tolerability and form of pathology. Absorption occurs quickly, the drug is detected in the body after 0.5-1 hour. After a maximum of three hours, the concentration of the drug reaches a maximum. Metabolism occurs intensively in the liver, excretion is carried out in the form of metabolites with urine. The medicine penetrates into the milk and passes the placental barrier.
The drug "Etatsizin". Instructions for use. Appointment
The medicine is indicated for ventricular and supraventricular extrasystole, tachycardia. A remedy is prescribed for paroxysms of flutter and flicker in the atria.
Medication "Etatsizin" (reviews of specialistsindicate this) is not prescribed for conduction disorders of a pronounced type, including atrioventricular blockade of the 2nd and 3rd st. and sinoatrial blockade). The drug is not recommended for hypersensitivity, myocardial hypertrophy in the left ventricle of pronounced course, with postinfarction cardiosclerosis, pregnancy, arterial hypotension of pronounced type. Contraindications include cardiogenic shock, lactation period, heart failure of chronic types 2 and 3 of the functional class, age to eighteen years.
The drug "Etatsizin". Instructions for use. Side effect
On the basis of therapy, atrioventricularblockade, stopping the sinus node, a disorder in the intraventricular conduction, a decrease in coronary blood flow. Possible headache, arrhythmia, dizziness, nausea, paresis of accommodation, staggering when turning the head and walking, a slight drowsiness. When using the drug for three to four days, it is likely that the intensity of undesirable effects decreases or their self-elimination disappears. The occurrence of side effects is dose-dependent, in this connection it is recommended to correct the reception scheme when they appear.
Dosing regimen
The medicine "Etatsizin" instructions for userecommends drinking regardless of the meal. A medication is prescribed in an initial dose of 50 mg with a frequency of 2-3 r / day. In case of unsatisfactory clinical effect, the number of receptions increases to four per day. Dosage remains the same - 50 mg. Can be prescribed for 100 mg three times a day in exceptional cases. A persistent antiarrhythmic effect is achieved when taking a maintenance dosage. The amount of the drug is selected personally.
Additional information on the reception of "Etatsizin"
Instruction for use warns thatthe drug should not be drunk at the same time as other antiarrhythmic medicines, MAO inhibitors. In combination with beta-blockers, there may be an increase in antiarrhythmic effect, especially in conditions caused by stressful situations or physical overstrain.