/ / Syrup "Zodak" instruction. For children - "for" and "against"

Syrup "Zodak" instruction. For children - "for" and "against"

As the owner of the expressed antiallergicaction describes the drug "Zodak" instruction. For children, the drug is preferably used as a syrup. The drug is able to alleviate the course of allergic reactions and prevent their development.

If the therapeutic dose is not exceeded, there is no sedative effect.

Not later than one hour after taking the drug begins its action, which persists throughout the day.

In the pharmacy network the drug "Zodak" comes in the form oftablets of drops for ingestion and syrup. Zodak syrup for children is the most acceptable form of release, especially since it contains banana flavor in its composition, so the children are willing to accept it.

Zodak syrup is a transparentsyrupy substance that is colorless or light yellow. The active ingredient of the drug is cetirizine dihydrochloride, which is complemented with auxiliary substances. The syrup is poured into vials of darkened glass with a capacity of 100 milliliters. Each bottle is supplemented with a measuring spoon and packed in a cardboard box, and also equipped with a special lid having a safety device.

How to open such bottles correctlycontains information attached to the drug "Zodak" instruction. For children, it will not be possible to open such a lid. Actually for this it is designed.

You can buy the drug only by prescription.

Zodak syrup. Instructions for use.

The drug "Zodak" is indicated for use in the following cases:

  • conjunctivitis and allergic rhinitis both seasonal and year-round;
  • allergic dermatoses accompanied by itching;
  • manifestations of hay fever and urticaria;
  • with angioedema.

There are contraindications to the use of the drug, of which the following can be identified for children:

  • The presence of bronchospasms and cough;
  • For children under 1 year old, use only drops;
  • Intolerance to any components of the drug.

Method of administration and dosage regimen, detailedthe presentation of which contains instruction for the Zodak syrup, for children are given in accordance with the age. And although the doctor will prescribe the dosing of the drug, it will be quite possible to rely on the instructions for use. Especially since the syrup has a pleasant taste and aroma, it is especially important to follow the dosing regimen in order to avoid overdose, the symptoms of which manifest themselves in the onset of drowsiness and lethargy. There are weakness and headaches, as well as fatigue and irritability. Tachycardia may occur, and urination may be delayed.

In case of an overdose, the victim should immediately flush the stomach with the subsequent use of activated charcoal.

Before the first use of the drugit is not superfluous to pay attention to side effects, which are described in detail by the accompanying "Zodak" instruction. For children, as for adults, they appear the same.

  • Nervous system:the occurrence of drowsiness, fatigue, agitation, as well as headache and dizziness. As a consequence of side effects, migraine and insomnia may be troubling. There is anxiety, nervousness and depression. Movement coordination is disturbed, convulsions are concerned.
  • Organs of the senses: vision is disturbed, there is pain in the eyes and noise in the ears, deafness may occur, and the perception of smells is lost.
  • The digestive system: the occurrence of dry mouth, a violation of the perception of taste, changes in the appearance of the tongue, enhanced saliva secretion.

Vomiting and nausea of ​​abdominal pain, as well as diarrhea or constipation, rectal bleeding.

  • Manifestations of allergies: skin rash, swelling, itching.
  • Cardiovascular system: rapid heart beat, aggravation of arterial hypertension and heart failure.
  • Respiratory system: nosebleeds, cough and bronchitis, manifestation of various diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Urinary system: edema, as a result of urinary retention.
  • Musculo-skeletal system: various types of arthritis, back pain and muscle relaxation.
  • Endocrine system: diabetes, excess weight.
  • The reaction of the skin: dryness and peeling, various rashes, acne, sweating.
  • Also: general malaise, fever and chills. Dehydration may occur.

Thus, no matter how effective the Zodak drug is in dealing with allergies, an impressive list of side effects makes it necessary to decide on its use, weighing all the pros and cons.

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