Treated sinusitis is not only modernchemotherapeutic drugs, but also physiotherapy methods. They are necessary for cleansing the maxillary sinuses from pus. Effective are inhalations in sinusitis, especially in the initial stage of the disease. Details about the procedure are presented in the article.
Whether it is possible to do or make inhalations at a genyantritis?In this regard, there are different opinions. One of them - inhalation with sinusitis is almost not effective, but it is not. With the right approach and the presence of medical indications (and for this you need to consult a specialist), such procedures will not only facilitate the person's condition, but will cure the ailment.
The main advantage of inhalation with genyantritisis considered the delivery of a pharmacologically unchanged drug into the maxillary sinuses. This provides an excellent therapeutic effect. The drug acts not at the system level, but locally, which protects against adverse reactions. Whether it is possible to do or make inhalations at a genyantritis? Such procedures will be effective to prevent the spread of the disease.
Medicines work better in inhalations. This is due to the following reasons:
Inhalation has significant advantages over the droplet administration form and oral use. Results with it appear quickly enough.
Now 2 inhalation methods are used for sinusitis:
The most rational and effective method isusing a nebulizer - a special device that performs a finely dispersed spray of the drug. Depending on the design, the device is divided into a compressor and an ultrasonic type.
How inhalations are performed with genyantritisa nebulizer? During the procedures, the medicine is placed in the device container, and then it is turned on. Almost immediately, fine-dispersed vapors pass into the inhalation mask, which are similar in structure to smoke. And you can perform inhalations.
This device is used for:
If inhalation of sinus is performed, what medicines are used? The following tools are used for the nebulizer:
Во время выполнения процедур паровым методом steaming herbs and essential oils are usually carried out according to the instructions, and then vapor is inhaled. Usually the patient is covered with a dense material above the container with the head. You can then inhale the vapors.
Inhalation with antritis with a nebulizer is almost nothave flaws, but use the steam method with caution. If they are not properly performed, a thermal burn of the upper respiratory tract is possible. In addition, there is the likelihood of bronchospasm, which can turn into bronchial asthma.
Inhalation of sinus at home should be carried out in compliance with simple recommendations:
Now there are a lot of medicines thatused for inhalation for sinus at home. Apply to the nebulizer vasoconstrictor drops or proteolytic enzymes, anti-inflammatory drugs, aerosols.
Dosage and nuances of medication should be agreed with your doctor. There are folk remedies for performing the procedures:
In folk medicine, cold inhalation is also used to treat sinusitis. Procedures can be performed several times a day, as they have no contraindications. Duration is 10-15 minutes.
During the procedure, as well as before and after, you canuse hot herbal tea with honey or fruit compote with berries. Thanks to hot drinking, the flow of blood to the mucous is enhanced, and the body receives more valuable components. For cold inhalations, onions, garlic, essential oils of mint, lemon balm, lavender, fir, pine, as well as balm "Star" can be used.
If you plan to perform inhalations for children,then they must be acquainted in advance with such a device. After all, some babies are frightened by the sound of a working device, as well as the type of inhalation mask. To do this, turn on the machine idle and leave the child with it for a few minutes.
The baby will understand how the device works and what is not worth be afraid of him It is advisable to perform 1-2 procedures together. In general, the rules of inhalation do not differ from adults. But according to the peculiarities of anatomical and physiological features, the maxillary sinuses develop only by 3-4 years. But in any case, the diagnosis must be confirmed by a specialist.
Many believe that steam exposure cannothave a negative effect on the body and has no contraindications. But such procedures are not recommended for everyone. There is a list of contraindications, they need to be considered before inhalation. They are prohibited in cases where there are:
Especially carefully need to be women during pregnancy and lactation. They need to carefully select medications so as not to harm.
If you read the instructions for usesteam inhalers, one can understand that the procedures are contraindicated up to 5 years. Warming up over the pan should be carried out with particular caution up to 12 years. In order for the procedures to be beneficial, you should consult your doctor before performing. Self-medication may result in complications and side effects.
If you often have a cold, you shouldpurchase a household inhaler. He performs treatment and prevention of chronic ailments. Such procedures allow for a short time to improve a person’s condition.