/ / Preparation "Evkasept": instructions for use, price, analogues

Preparation "Evkasept": instructions for use, price, analogues

For the treatment of the common cold, most people choosepreparations in the form of drops. If you get on the nasal mucosa active components begin to act almost instantly. When choosing a nasal agent, special attention should be paid to the composition. The natural components contain the preparation "Evkasept". Instructions for use recommend the appointment of it for the removal of inflammation of the nasal mucosa in both children and adults.

Description of the preparation

"Evkasept" - popular drops for treatmentCoryza, containing natural components. They allow to normalize the condition of the mucous surface of the nose, moisten it and relieve the symptoms of colds. Unlike other oil drops, the product also has an antiviral effect that suppresses the growth of bacteria due to the extract of eucalyptus in the composition.

Evkasept user guide

With bacterial pathogens help fightfir and peppermint oil. The anti-inflammatory effect is provided by the azulene-cyclic carbohydrate substance derived from the essential oil of officinal chamomile, wormwood and yarrow. Timol, contained in the composition, enhances the bactericidal effect of the drug "Evkasept". Instructions for use suggest that droplets can strengthen immunity at the local level. This effect is provided by vitamin E, which is an active antioxidant.

Indications for use

According to the annotation, the drops of "Evkasept" followsprescribe to patients with acute and chronic rhinitis. The drug will inhibit the development of the inflammatory process, reduce secretion, remove puffiness and ease breathing in the rhinitis of virtually any etiology. The oil-based agent will have a softening effect, moisturize the mucous membrane.

Eucasept price

In pediatric practice, the drug is prescribed to children over two years old for the treatment of acute, subacute and recurrent rhinitis. Dosage is calculated depending on the patient's condition.

Can I apply Eucasept during pregnancy?

Instruction for use does not prohibit women fromuse oil drops to treat rhinitis. However, it should be borne in mind that the natural components in the "Evkasept" can provoke an allergic reaction. Therefore, prescribe the drug during pregnancy can only be the attending physician.


Despite the fact that the oil for treatmentnasal congestion is considered safe (thanks to a natural basis), it can not be applied to all patients. First of all, "Evkasept" (the price of drops varies within the limits of 45-60 rubles.) It is forbidden to use with increased sensitivity to active substances.

Essential oils are quite strong allergensbecause of the hydrocarbon contained in them, which eventually turns into oxy peroxide. If after the instillation of drops there is an itch, hyperemia, swelling of the nasal mucosa, you should stop using the medication and consult a doctor. It is also forbidden to prescribe a medicine for the treatment of allergic rhinitis.

Application of the agent

How to properly dig in the drug "Evkasept"?Instructions for use recommend that you strictly follow the prescribed dosage. Children are shown to instill a means of 1-2 drops in each nasal passage. Multiplicity of application - no more than four times a day at regular intervals.

Evkasept reviews

Adults can be increased to 2-3drops. You can use oil drops for tamponade of the nose. Use the drug also no more than 4 times a day. According to the instructions, "Evkasept" can be used for 5-7 days. If there is no therapeutic effect, replace the medication on the 2-3 day of therapy.

Evkasept: Feedback

Patients who used oily nasal dropsfor the treatment of rhinitis, leave positive feedback about the drug. According to experts, the drug is suitable for complex therapy for colds, atrophic rhinitis, etmoiditis, adenoiditis. Unlike vasoconstrictive drops, which eliminate only the symptoms of an ailment, "Evkasept" also affects the cause that caused the development of rhinitis.

Euclease drops

If necessary, you can choose a substitute for the drops of "Evkasept". The price of analogues will differ mainly in the larger side. Based on essential oils, the following products are produced:

  • "Pinosol".
  • "Pinovit."
  • "Sanorin".
  • "Vital".
  • Sinusan.

Analogue of the drug should be selected only with the help of a doctor.

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