/ / Meniere's disease: symptoms and treatment

Ménière's disease: symptoms and treatment

Ménière's disease, the symptoms of which canIt did not immediately manifest itself, it got its name from the name of the scientist who discovered it. In recent years, doctors are studying it more aggressively. Thus, the syndrome and the Ménière disease itself are clearly different. The first is a collection of several symptoms similar in pathogenetic character.

illness of the lesser symptoms
Syndromes are not independentdiseases and most often accompany any serious pathology. Meniere's disease, the diagnosis of which will help to prescribe timely adequate therapy, causes severe discomfort in patients, and therefore requires special attention.

Symptomatology of the disease

If there are occasional hearing problems, this may indicate that there is Ménière's disease. Symptoms of this disease:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • hearing impairment;
  • loss of balance;
  • loss of orientation in space.
    disease of the diagnosis

Often the pathogenesis of the disease is accompanied byviolation of the activities of other systems and bodies. The degree of intensity of manifestation of a particular symptom may be correlated. It is struck most often by one ear, but the pathology can not be spread to another internal one. The main pathogenetic link of this disease is an increase in the volume of the endolymph. This leads to an increase in pressure in the inner ear, in particular, the effect of the endolymphatic fluid on those cells of the vestibular apparatus that are responsible for the equilibrium and orientation of the body in space increases. Quite a strong discomfort is experienced by those who have Ménière's disease. Symptoms sometimes become more pronounced, up to such a state that a person loses his normal working capacity, he is unable to perform elementary movements, not to mention physical activity. In this case, the patient is forced to stay at home all the time, lying on the bed, any impact on his body can trigger another attack, in which the symptoms become simply intolerable. In some, the disease proceeds with a smoothed clinical picture, and after a while the symptomatology disappears altogether, but relapses and exacerbations are possible. A complete loss of hearing is possible, and if both ears are involved in the pathological process, the result of the complication will be total deafness.


Specific prevention of the disease is excluded.It is almost impossible to prevent Meniere's disease. Symptoms sometimes appear too late when the disease is already started. However, you can reduce the likelihood of the disease. To do this, first, adhere to a healthy diet, do not abuse salt, especially if you have arterial hypertension diagnosed. Secondly, do not engage in extreme sports, which can lead to craniocerebral injuries, and those in turn, are capable of provoking the development of pathology.

Minor syndrome


What to do when the diagnosis is already established"Meniere's syndrome"? Treatment of the disease should be mostly symptomatic. It includes the use of medications that relieve the spasm of peripheral vessels feeding the vestibule-vestibular nerve. These are preparations from a spectrum of anticholinergics. The most commonly used in practice are injections of proserin, strychnine, pilocarpine is used to dilate the vessels of the inner ear, and papaverine is used to dilate the vessels of the brain. If the disease progresses and becomes so painful that the patient can not live with it, go to extreme measures - surgical treatment or chemical ablation, using ototoxic antibiotics belonging to aminoglycosides.

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