For the full development of children's organismsvitamins and minerals are needed. Ideally, useful substances should enter the body together with food. But in some cases it is not possible to get a full complex of vitamins with food. To prevent and treat the deficit of these components, you can use "Complivit Active". How effective is this drug and how to correctly take it? Let's consider in more detail the instruction of a preparation, features of purpose and responses.
Sometimes to maintain good health parentsdecide to give the child vitamin-containing drugs. Indeed, in some cases, such medications are of great benefit to the body and not yet fully formed immune system. Currently, pharmaceutical manufacturers offer a fairly wide range of multivitamin supplements. On what drug should I pay attention?
As an additional source of minerals andvitamins specialists often recommend taking "Complivit Active". The instruction allows the children to take this remedy from the age of seven. It is during this period that there are large loads that cause overfatigue of the child. Also on sale you can find vitamins for kids from three years old. Specially selected components can fully provide the growing body with the necessary nutrients.
The release of this multivitamin complexis engaged in the Russian pharmaceutical company "Pharmstandard-UfaVita". Specialists use in the production process only modern equipment and innovative technologies that allow creating the most useful medicines.
The manufacturer produces multivitamins for children with7 years in the form of elongated convex tablets of green color, covered with an enteric-dissolvable coating. They are intended for oral administration. Tablets are packaged in white polymeric jars of 30 or 60 pieces each. The cost of this drug ranges from 160-270 rubles.
Another form in which the product is released"Complivit Active", - chewable tablets. They are packaged in bottles of 30 pieces. Tablets have a round shape and a light yellow color. Depending on the added flavors, the pills can have a banana or cherry smell. The price of chewable tablets is 180-200 rubles per packing.
The positive effect of the multivitamin drugon the body due to properly selected composition. Each of the components produces its own effect, which complements the action of another substance. The composition of the tablets "Complivit Active" for children and adolescents from 7 to 12 years contains 12 vitamins:
Zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, selenium, iodine, fluoride and manganese are minerals that are part of the vitamin product for adolescents and children 7-12 years of age.
Chewable tablets are enriched with such vitamins,like retinol, riboflavin, calcium pantothenate, cyanocobalamin, pyridoxine, vitamin C and D2, tocopherol. Minerals of iodine, calcium and magnesium supplement the action of the components.
The multivitamin complex is actively used inmedical practice for both prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis and beriberi. It helps improve the state of the child's protective functions and strengthens the general health. It is especially important to take this medication during the cold season, during the active phase of the baby's growth and adaptation to the new team.
According to the instruction, "Complivit Active" should be given to the child in the following cases:
The application of the "Complivit Asset" will bring a hugebenefit to the growing body of the child. The positive effect of the drug is to maintain and improve the functioning of the immune system, normalize metabolic processes, improve the functioning of the nervous system, strengthen the bones and form the musculoskeletal system correctly. In addition, the complex will help to establish the endocrine system, provide oxygen to the tissues and normalize the processes of hematopoiesis.
Baby vitamins "Complivit Active" reviewsreceive mostly positive. The drug helps to increase the body's defense against colds, increases vitality. To schoolboys the means helps to cope with the big loadings and it is better to remember the passed material.
Vitamin is only fororal administration. In a day a child should take only 1 tablet after a meal. This dosage is suitable for both chewable and conventional tablets. The latter should be washed down with water. In cases of severe vitamin deficiencies, the doctor may increase the dosage to two tablets per day.
The therapeutic course should last no less thanone month. If necessary, a specialist may recommend prolonging the treatment with a remedy. As a preventive measure, taking multivitamins is recommended 2-3 times a year.
Multivitamins for teenagers "Complivit Active" inSome situations are forbidden to children. According to the annotation, contraindications to the use of the remedy are the state of hypervitaminosis A or D, thyroid pathology, intolerance to any of the components of the drug, elevated levels of iron or calcium in the body.
You should also take into account the age restrictions that are provided for each vitamin complex. Tablets for oral use should not be given to children under seven years of age.
Some babies may develop differentallergic reactions associated with taking the drug "Complivit Active". This may be due to the individual sensitivity to the active substances, which, when ingested, trigger the process of occurrence of immune reactions.
Most often the allergy manifests itself in the formredness and itching of the skin. In this case, you must cancel the further use of the multivitamin. Also, side effects of the drug include dizziness, nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, headache.
Cases of overdose are extremely rare.The first symptoms that arise in this case are like poisoning. The patient may complain of nausea, vomiting, upset of the stool. Therapy consists of washing the stomach and taking medications from the category of enterosorbents. It should be borne in mind that with prolonged use of a vitamin remedy in the body will accumulate excess micronutrients, which will lead to the development of hypervitaminosis.
"Complivit Active" - one of the most popularmultivitamin complexes for children of young and middle age group. A huge advantage of the drug is its balanced composition, which covers the daily necessity of the child's body in nutrients. A day should take only one tablet (sometimes two). The drug refers to inexpensive medicines and is available for purchase by a wide range of consumers.
Among the shortcomings - frequent cases of side effects. Most often in children with intolerance components, hives and itching of the skin appears.
If necessary, a specialist can choosereplacement with the drug "Complivit Active". Experts say that at the present time pharmaceutical manufacturers offer a huge number of different vitamin preparations that can be successfully used for the prevention and treatment of vitamin deficiencies.
The most effective vitamins for children are:
To find an analogue of the tool "Complivit Active" is notwill be difficult, because vitamin complexes for children are represented in a wide range. However, it is better to select such medicines with the help of a specialist.