/ Hypermetropic astigmatism. Laser vision correction

Hypermetropic astigmatism. Laser vision correction

Not everyone can boast thathis good eyesight. Most often there is some pathology. For example, it can be hypermetropic astigmatism, which is a deviation of vision in farsightedness.

In some cases, it can leak completelyit is asymptomatic, but it also happens that pathology causes headache and increased irritability. This kind of astigmatism is very rare in both eyes, most often hitting only one. Let's try to understand the causes of the disease and in the ways of its treatment.


Cornea and lens in the eye with normal visionhave a spherical shape. Refracted by them, a ray of light is fixed on the retina in one place. But if the eye with astigmatism, then the beam in this case will form two points, not one. As a result, the image doubles, becomes vague and distorted.

hypermetropic astigmatism

Thus, hypermetropic astigmatism arises for two reasons:

  • deformation of the lens;
  • change the shape of the cornea.

At present, it is not fully established, due towhy this happens. Scientists suggest that deformation of the lens is a congenital anomaly of development and during life it is formed very rarely. Also, the shape of the cornea may vary due to scarring, for example after trauma or surgery.

Very often, hyperopia has a weak degree, up to 0.5 diopters. This is not considered a violation, a person does not feel any discomfort and this also does not affect the quality of vision.

Types of pathology

  • Simple astigmatism - in this case one meridian of the eye has normal vision, and in the other, hyperopia occurs.
  • Complex astigmatism - in both the meridians of the eye arises farsightedness, that is, the focal points are located behind the retina.

hypermetropic astigmatism in children

And complex hypermetropic astigmatism, and simple arise because the cornea has a non-spherical shape. Much less often this causes an incorrect curvature of the lens.

Also astigmatism can be direct and reversetype. The basis of division in this case rests on the strength of refraction in the main meridians. If it is stronger in the vertical meridian, it is a straight type. But if a stronger refraction occurs in the horizontal, this is hypermetropic astigmatism of the opposite type.


Such a visual impairment can manifest itself in different ways, and this depends on the degree of its severity.

If farsighted astigmatism has an easy form,its symptoms are almost invisible. A person does not pay attention to the fact that his vision begins to deteriorate. Most often, an easy degree of this pathology is detected during preventive examinations.

The average degree of astigmatism is manifestedas follows: there is blurred vision, which is accompanied by double vision, headache or dizziness. A person can not concentrate on doing work related to visual tension. It is at this time that people are forced to consult a doctor.

laser vision correction

A severe degree of astigmatism is characterizedsevere symptoms. Most often it starts to double very much in the eyes, and blurred vision becomes more pronounced. There is pain in the eyes, headaches, sometimes irritability, nausea. During the examination, the doctor notes a severe deterioration in visual acuity.

Treatment of hypermetropic astigmatism

This pathology is treated in two ways:

  • conservative;
  • operative.

If farsightedness has a minor degree,and also in the absence of concomitant diseases (asthenopia, strabismus), treatment can not be carried out, since in this case the quality of vision does not practically deteriorate. If these diseases are identified, correction is mandatory. It consists in the fact that a person is assigned special glasses with spherocylindrical lenses. They should be worn constantly or only for the performance of any work. Also, the correction involves wearing contact lenses.

complex hypermetropic astigmatism

But it should be said that astigmatism is impossiblecure neither lenses nor glasses. They only help to correct it, in order to eliminate the discomfort associated with such a visual impairment. Astigmatism is treated only surgically, and basically it is laser vision correction.

Operative way of treatment

Modern ophthalmology relieves astigmatism with the help of surgical intervention.

  • Laser thermokeratoplasty.This type of vision correction is that spot burns are applied to the peripheral zone of the cornea at certain points by the laser. This contributes to the reduction of collagen fibers, due to which the cornea changes its shape. On the periphery, it becomes more flat, and in the central part - more convex, which leads to an improvement in vision.
  • Thermokerokerocoagulation. It is performed in the same way as laser thermokeratoplasty, except that the burns are applied with a needle with a high temperature.
  • Hypermetropic laser keratomileusis.Currently, this method of treatment is considered the safest and most effective. This laser vision correction helps to get rid of moderate to severe astigmatism. It is carried out in the following way: in the area of ​​the upper layer of the cornea, a small patch of tissue is cut out and moved to the side. Due to this, the notch is reached to the middle layers of the cornea at its periphery. Using a laser, a small portion of the middle layer is evaporated, and the flap is returned to its place. This technique corrects the shape of the cornea, changes its curvature, and vision is quickly restored.

farsighted astigmatism

If there are any reasons that do not allow these methods of treatment, then such operations as lens removal, implantation of phakic intraocular lens, keratoplasty are performed.

Hypermotropic astigmatism in children

Such a visual impairment in children under one year oldis considered normal (physiological) phenomenon. But in older children this pathology manifests itself in the same way as in adults. Complaints of the child in this case are vague in nature: burning in the eyes, fatigue, headache, reluctance to draw, read and write.

Often this disease is congenital in nature andis transmitted from parents to the child. Therefore, if someone in the family suffers from astigmatism, it is necessary to show the baby to the ophthalmologist as soon as possible. When untimely treatment after a while the child may develop strabismus.

Correction of pathology in children

If hypermetropic astigmatism has an easy form, then it does not need special correction. Most often the child is put on dispensary records and selects special exercises for the eyes.

If the disease is expressed much more strongly, thenthe doctor selects special glasses or lenses for the small patient. Points should be selected only by an experienced physician, their lenses should have a different degree of refraction, therefore they are made individually.

hypermetropic astigmatism of the reverse type

Hypermotropic astigmatism in children can be prevented if as early as possible to accustom them to properly distribute the load on the eyes.


Hypermetropic astigmatism is a seriouspathology of the eye, which is treated only in an operative way. To prevent this disease, the specialist appoints wearing special glasses or contact lenses, so it is so important to consult a doctor in time.

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