/ / We use rotokan for inhalations

We use rotokan for inhalations

Everyone has the right to choose whether to adhere to treatmentmethods of traditional medicine or to focus on phytopreparations, which have now become quite widespread. To such phytopreparations belongs rotokan, which is an alcohol extract of a plant mixture of camomile flowers, calendula and yarrow herb (2: 1: 1). This drug belongs to the group of anti-inflammatory drugs. It is used in medicine for the treatment of inflammatory processes of the oral cavity, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of an infectious-inflammatory nature. Rotokan can be used in the complex treatment of respiratory organs. Here it is used in the form of rinses and inhalations. The use of rotochans is based on its properties to have an anti-inflammatory effect, to enhance the course of regeneration processes, to have a positive effect on the trophic of the gastrointestinal mucosa. It has spasmolytic and hemostatic properties.

Rotokan for inhalations has not yet received a sufficiently wide application and there is no such information in the instruction accompanying the drug. Therefore, we will dwell on this issue in more detail.

For inhalation, the presence ofspecial device - nebulizer. It ensures the formation of a foggy cloud of the drug. The drug in the form of microscopic suspended particles, getting on the mucous membranes of the respiratory system, is easily absorbed and has a more effective effect than ingested. And its effect is local in nature, which allows the use of medicines in minimal quantities. Inhalations with drugs or phyto-vials are most effective in respiratory diseases.

To use rothokan for inhalationsit is necessary to prepare a solution consisting of pharmacy saline and rotocaine in a ratio of 40: 1. The container must be sterile at the same time. For one inhalation procedure takes only 4 ml of the prepared solution.

Rotokan for inhalations - this form of phytopreparation application gives a number of advantages:

  • the effect of the drug is carried out directly on the inflammation zone;
  • the substance is not absorbed into the blood, but immediately begins the therapeutic effect on the inflammatory focus;
  • quite an accessible way to relieve the symptoms of the disease;
  • a very convenient form of therapy for young children and elderly patients;
  • easy combination with other medicinal products;
  • additional oxygen inhalation.

Using rotokan for nebulizer, weWe ensure the possibility of getting the medicine deep enough in the respiratory tract, their qualitative irrigation, which contributes to a quick recovery. This is especially important for children under the age of five, because it is an effective and safe method of treatment. Rotokan for inhalation easily cope with the treatment of symptoms such as sore throat, cough, runny nose. Recovery with this treatment comes twice as fast.

The drug is low-toxic, it does not possessallergic properties, therefore, for the treatment of children of any age, and even during pregnancy, lactation is widely recommended to use Rotokan. Contraindications, of course, there are also on them should pay attention. After all, individual intolerance to the components of the medication can be manifested by the sensation of itching or the appearance of urticaria, which should be a signal to cancel the use of this drug.

There is one more restriction on the applicationdrug in the treatment of children. In view of the fact that this is an alcohol extract, its use in the diluted state should be clearly controlled by the parents during the treatment procedures.

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