Structure of the female body and functioningreproductive organs involves monthly bleeding. During such discharge, the uterine lining of the uterus - the endometrium - is rejected and comes out. Often this process is accompanied by painful sensations. But it also happens that the representatives of the weaker sex complain of malaise after menstruation. Today's article will tell you about why the stomach aches after monthly, as before monthly.
Why does my stomach ache after menstruation?The cause of this symptom may be natural or pathological. The first kind is ovulation. At some representatives of the weaker sex it can attack already on 7 day after the beginning of a new cycle. This often happens with a short female period, which lasts less than 21-25 days.
During ovulation, the follicle ruptures,which causes tension and drawing pain. Unpleasant feelings are not too intense, they can be tolerated. Pain lasts for several hours. If the malaise persists for more than a day, then the main reasons lie in the other. Most likely, speech in your case is about a pathology.
Many women experience lifesuch diagnoses as "endometritis," "metritis," "salpingitis," "adnexitis," "cervicitis," "vaginitis," and so on. All of them talk about the pathological process in the field of reproductive organs - inflammation. The main symptom in this case is the following symptom: the abdomen hurts after monthly, as before the menstrual period. The woman experiences pulling, bursting sensations, quite often the discomfort brings sexual intercourse. No wonder: the organs became inflamed and increased in size.
Identify the nature of pathology can onlyspecialist. For this, a woman needs to pass some tests. Most often, the problem is caused by bacteria. In this case, the course of antibiotics is prescribed. If the cause lies in a viral infection, then immunomodulators are used. Drugs prescribed for women in these cases: "Wilprafen", "Azithromycin", "Supraks", "Isoprinozin", "Terzhinan", "Klion D" and many others. Do not take them yourself!
Often a woman is faced with the fact that sheThe stomach or belly after monthly, as before monthly and during them hurts. Such a sign may indicate a neoplasm. Often the discomfort is caused by myoma. At the same time, its size should be serious if pain occurs. The lower abdomen can pull with polyps, cysts on the ovaries. All these pathologies are detected with standard gynecological examinations. Also, endometriosis can deliver painful sensations. This disease is difficult to detect and confirm.
Treatment in these cases is selectedindividual. For example, endometrial polyps require gynecological curettage. If it is a question of a myoma, then use the newest method: overlap the uterine artery. Cysts are treated medically or surgically (depending on the type of neoplasm). Endometriosis often requires surgical intervention. All these pathologies suggest hormonal correction.
Why does a woman have a lower abdomen after months?The cause of the ailment can be serious enough: a malignant tumor. It is diagnosed in about one woman out of ten (with complaints of pain in the abdomen). The tumor can be located anywhere: the uterus, fallopian tubes, vagina, intestines, abdominal cavity and so on. To establish reliably its presence will help such studies as computed tomography or MRI. Sometimes it is indicative and ultrasound.
Treatment is as follows.For a start, the tumor must be removed by surgical methods. After this, the woman is prescribed chemotherapy and irradiation. The further corrective scheme is selected individually according to the results of the histological examination.
Why does my stomach and lower back ache after months?The reason can be hidden in the new position of the representative of the weaker sex - pregnancy. If the menstruation started earlier or, on the contrary, came late, and also you noticed the scarcity of excreta, then such an outcome of events is not excluded.
During pregnancy (especially at earlyterm), a detachment of the fetal egg may occur. The resulting hematoma subsequently resolves or flows through the vagina. The second case involves bleeding. Also, the discharge appears when the fetal egg is implanted. If you noticed unusual menstruation, after which the sensations in the abdomen and lower back persist, then check for pregnancy.
Если после месячных болит низ живота, то причина not always lies in gynecology. Perhaps you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Remember when you last committed an act of defecation. If there is constipation, then you need to take laxatives. The safest are "Dufalac", "Guttalax", "Mikrolaks". With diarrhea, on the contrary, it is worth using drugs that fix the intestines: Imodium, Loperamide. Be sure to revise your diet. If other symptoms are added to the abdominal pain (high fever, nausea, vomiting), then it may be an appendicitis or an acute intestinal infection. In such situations, only the doctor can find out the main causes of the ailment. Contact your doctor for an individual appointment.
Than you can adjust your badstate of health? If we talk about symptomatic treatment, any anesthetics or antispasmodics will do: “No-Shpa”, “Papazol”, “Ibuprofen”, “Analgin” and so on. But you need to take them very carefully. Many drugs are contraindicated in pregnant women. You should not use painkillers if you are not sure of the reason for the ailment, because such drugs can blur the clinical picture of the disease.
If the lower abdomen hurts after menstruation,refrain from physical exertion, rest more. Eat healthy foods, do not drink alcohol and fat. You can use a home heating pad, putting it on the lower abdomen. If the house is cold, you must wear warm socks. Brew for yourself soothing and anti-inflammatory herbs: chamomile, sage, calendula. Be sure to show yourself to the doctor if you have a stomach ache after your menstruation (as before menstruation) and discharge with an unpleasant odor.
From the article you were able to find out the main reasons whywhy the stomach may hurt after the menstruation, as before it. It is not always about pathology. If the previous cycle was without ovulation, the formation of functional cysts is possible. They cause discomfort at large sizes, but do not pose any danger. After a few weeks, the cyst will disappear. But to be confident in your health, you need to see a doctor. Do not wonder on the coffee grounds, why do you have a stomach ache. Visit the gynecologist and get individual advice. Good health to you!