/ Diarrhea in a calf than treated? Remedy for calves. Tips for a veterinarian

Diarrhea in the calf than to treat? Remedy for calves. Tips for a veterinarian

The calf has diarrhea - what to do?This issue is now relevant for many farmers. Diarrhea in young cows is one of the most common diseases and often causes death of calves. Despite the fact that private farms and livestock farms face this disease often and everywhere, it has not learned to effectively prevent and treat it yet. Aids for diarrhea in 100% of cases, a medicine for calves at the moment is not developed.

Causes of diarrhea in calves

The causes of the illness lie in unformedimmunity. Diseases of calves (especially newborns) are mostly caused by the insecurity of a small organism in front of environmental factors. Immunity in children is not yet formed and is practically incapable of resisting bacteria, microbes and other irritants.

diarrhea in a calf than cure

Sometimes the cause of diarrhea, overtaking from 50 to 100percent of young cows and in 60% of cases leading to death, is malnutrition. Even the slightest deviation from the rules can provoke the disease. True, and cure calves in this case is quite possible even without the use of medications. But if diarrhea is the result of a virus caught, it is much more difficult to fight it. And folk remedies can not do.

What is fraught with diarrhea?

Even if you managed to save the calf and cure itdiarrhea, this insidious sore for a long time will affect the health of the animal and its development. Calves who have had diarrhea are sluggish and have a poor appetite. They strongly lag behind in weight from their peers. After all, in one day of diarrhea, the baby loses about 5-10% of the mass (it leaves with the liquid), and to restore the lost, it takes time. As a rule, weight comes back to normal by the age of 20 days. But for a long time the dynamics of his recruitment will be slowed down, and in the future females who have had diarrhea as a child will give less milk.

calf diarrhea what to do

Types of diarrhea in young cows

Diarrhea in calves, depending on the cause, can be of different types. Let's consider the main ones.

  1. Diarrhea in newborns.It happens in very small animals (from one to seven days old). It is caused by the features of acclimatization of a newborn organism. With due care, proper nutrition and the use of certain folk remedies, it takes place in about three days and does not carry a serious threat to life.
  2. Diarrhea caused by improper feeding.Food containing too much salt, as well as nitrates, toxins, toxic metals, moldy fungi that enter the calf's body with food, can cause serious food poisoning. Often in such cases, the calf has diarrhea with blood, and it is not easy to cure it.

vet at home

Viral diarrhea

Diarrhea caused by viruses - the course of the disease andthe chances of recovery here depend on the degree of damage to the body. The type of virus also matters. For example, diarrhea, which is a consequence of the E. coli strain, is characterized by abundance. The disease is acute, in almost 100% of cases, its occurrence provokes toxin poisoning and sepsis, leading to death. Rotavirus infections cause profuse diarrhea, accompanied by depression of the animal, loss of appetite, fever, etc. The excreted feces have a straw-yellow color, an acidic smell and a watery consistency (sometimes mucus in faeces). Similar symptoms and diseases caused by coronavirus infection. Only feces are yellow-green in color, and body temperature is either normal or reduced.

the calf has diarrhea with blood

How to treat diarrhea medically

Diarrhea in a calf - how to treat it?Noticing the slightest problems with the health of the baby, it is best to contact the doctor. The called vet at the house will determine the cause, diagnose and prescribe the treatment. If diarrhea is triggered by viruses or food poisoning, it is likely to be drug-induced. There are basic types of medicines.

  • Preparations for oral rehydration.They struggle with dehydration and restore salt losses. They contain potassium, sodium, chlorine, glucose, sucrose, etc. They are sold in the form of powders, from which solutions are made. They act quickly and without side effects. Contraindications do not have.
  • Sorbents. Prevent intoxication of the body.

diarrhea in the calf folk remedies

  • Delayed peristalsis of the intestine means. The absorption of digested food is almost not affected, but the tone and motor skills are reduced.
  • Enzymes. Appointed in cases where diarrhea is caused by enzymatic disorders of the digestive system.
  • Probiotics. Correct the physiological balance of the intestinal microflora. There are microbial and non-microbial origin.

We treat diarrhea in the calf: folk remedies

There are many people's methods of combatingdiarrhea in young cows. They have been tested for centuries and are now used in cases where diarrhea is caused by feeding errors and the disease is mild. They can also be used to treat more complex abnormalities in combination with medication. Diarrhea in a calf - how to treat it from folk remedies? Consider the most popular and effective methods.

  • Infusion of onion.It is prepared on the basis of physiological solution (8.6 grams of table salt, dissolved in 1 liter of boiling water). The solution should be poured into a bottle (capacity - 2.5-3 liters), to the plug of which a siphon with tubes of rubber and a special clip is attached. Then 200 grams of onions (with red scales) are ground with a mincer or grater and added to the solution. Shake the mixture for a couple of minutes. On the wall of the bottle carefully pour 100 grams of sunflower oil, so that it completely covered the surface of the solution. Store the prepared product for no more than two days. The solution is extracted with a siphon and given to the animals three to five milliliters per kilogram of weight. Reception mode: five times in a row every hour.
    calves diseases
  • Tea nutrient mixture.In 1 liter cooled to the temperature of fresh milk brewing of black tea dissolve the proteins of three chicken eggs and 1 incomplete tablespoon of salt. The dose of intake is 10 grams per kilogram of calf's weight.
  • Beet juice.They successfully treat bloody diarrhea, applying at the very beginning of the disease in the form of enemas. At one time, 3-4 servings of 300 ml are administered. Repeat every 2 hours. This procedure can quickly cure even the most severe forms of diarrhea. If the calf is tiny, half a liter of beetroot juice will be enough. For older individuals, it is necessary 3-4 liters.

Other folk remedies

Good for diarrhea oats.Oatmeal grains of high quality are poured in water in a proportion of 1:10 and cook on low heat for 6-8 hours. Filter and give the baby. You can drink a calf from both a saucepan and a small bucket.

The calf has diarrhea - what else should you do in such cases?You can use decoctions from some other plants. Very popular are St. John's wort, serpentine, pine needles, flax, chamomile and other herbs. Their broths are given to sick children.

General recommendations of the veterinarian for diarrhea in calves

Diarrhea in the calf - what to treat?It is better not to rely solely on folk remedies, but also to turn to a paramedic. A visiting veterinarian at home, in addition to specific treatment, is likely to give universal recommendations for controlling diarrhea. For example:

  • copious drink.
  • diet (saline solutions instead of colostrum, electrolytes in parallel with milk intake, etc.).
  • strict diet.
  • cosiness and comfort. Sick calves often freeze, so the room in which they are, you need to insulate.

Prevention of diarrhea in young cows

Diarrhea in the calf - what to treat?The means and methods described above. However, any problem is easier to prevent than to solve. Including diarrhea in calves. If you adhere to the basic rules for caring for young animals, in most cases, the disease can be avoided.

remedy for calves

  • It is important to vaccinate cows to prevent viruses from entering their bodies and into the calves - along with milk or colostrum.
  • Colostrum should be of high quality and be supplied in sufficient quantities.
  • The boxes containing the calves must be dry and clean. They should be put in order before the birth of the baby.
  • It is advisable to minimize the calf's contacts with the manure of other animals - there may be pathogens. It is better to isolate the newborn from all but the mother.
  • Dishes from calves should always be clean, and feed - quality.
  • It is important to observe the strict regime of the day.
  • In order to prevent diarrhea calves, from the age of six, from time to time you can drink curdled milk and lime water.

Never hope that the disease will passyourself. To prevent complications, it is better to use folk remedies, as well as call a veterinarian at the house, who after the examination will prescribe medication.

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