Someone will say: "Wait.You tell me how to get the ants out of the garden? Maybe, on the contrary, how to get an ants in the garden? We have been taught since childhood that these laborers are the orderlies of the forest, they destroy harmful insects. That's in the children's cartoons, there is no one who blames the ants for wrecking. "
All right. Because everything is complicated. Ants are formidable enemies of garden and vegetable pests. And they also help to multiply one of them - aphids. More specifically, the ants bred it.

In nature there are many pairs of living organisms,living in symbiosis with each other. Actinia and hermit crab, shark and fish-stuck, bird of tar and crocodile. Basically, this is protection from enemies or cleaning hard-to-reach places on the body. The case in the pair "ants-aphids" is quite special. Of course, it's wrong to think that hard-working insects specially literally graze aphids on the leaves of garden plants to harm you and get you off your feet in search of how to destroy the aphids and how to get the ants off the plot.
One of the signs of damage to the plant aphids -leaves covered with a sticky secret. All because every aphids is a living pump sucking out so many juices from the cells that it can not even digest everything. Surplus is released from her body in the form of a droplet of sweet "dew". Ants were addicted to this "dew". And so much that it really looks like alcoholism in humans. When the whole plant is sucked dry, the ants carefully transfer the "dairy cows" to another plant, thereby spreading the zone of injury. This especially applies to aphids that feed on root juices: ants pave her way to where she herself would never have reached.

And this is the only serious accusation against the "forest orderlies", sufficient to reflect on how to get the ants out of the garden.
A very effective preventive remedy is the regular digging of the site. Mixed layers of soil - unsuitable building material to create in it an ant colony.
"Soft", humane means are meant forIn order not to let the ants to the beds or to force them to move to a new place of residence. Quite rightly noted: in the garden, where measures are constantly applied to destroy aphids, ants, as they say, "letting go." Another humane means of how to get ants out of the garden is a water barrier, built from a halve of a large plastic bottle dug into the ground or an old tire filled with water. Such a ditch should surround your site around the perimeter.

"Biological weapons" for repelling ants -parsley, mustard, tansy, anise, tomato tops: an unbearable smell for them. The leaves and stems of these plants are laid on ant pathways, tied with tree trunks. The same function is performed on the seeds of mint and valerian.
There are many other similar means.But the most radical gardeners and gardeners treat them with contempt and argue: there is no other way than to destroy the ants, which means - to destroy the anthill. This is recommended in the evening, when all the ants return to their colony. As follows unearth an anthill to the deepest chambers, you should pour everything with boiling water or a mixture of boric acid solution with granulated sugar (for 1 glass - 4 tablespoons), or a solution of kerosene (10 liters per 10 liters). At the most extreme, chemical insecticides are used.
The joy of getting rid of ants is usually drowned outsilent voice of "humanists". "Have you found a way to get the ants out of the garden? they say. - Well. Be ready to invade much more terrible enemies of your site than ants "alcoholics" ... "