/ How to transplant a flower according to all the rules?

How to transplant a flower by all the rules?

It would seem that the difficult in the flower transplantation? But the question is much more important, because if the flower is improperly transplanted, it can get sick or die at all.

The ways in which to transplant a flower depend on thespecific type, because different types of plants require individual and capable care. Despite this, there are basic rules that must be followed so that they grow up healthy, beautiful and lush.

how to transplant a flower

The first and very important point in the question of howcorrectly transplanted flowers - where to transplant them, because the pot must also be picked up correctly. When choosing a pot, it is worth giving preference to clay, since it is made of natural material, which is more favorable for the flower, besides it has pores that help fill the soil with oxygen. After we have decided on the material of the pot, you need to choose the right size. If the previous pot is small, then the new one should be slightly larger. You do not need to buy too much - this will not benefit the plant. If the flower pot is too large, then you need to take a smaller one, but in this case, you should consider how fast the flower grows, so you do not have to transplant it again soon.

After selecting the pot you need to pick up the soil.Soil is better to choose according to the type of plant. If the flower is unpretentious, then you can use the land, charcoal or expanded clay. Before filling the soil in a pot, it should be well moistened.

After that, go to the flower transplant.Many are interested in how to transplant the flower and what steps need to be taken to accomplish this. It's simple: after you have poured over the bottom of the claydite or drainage, you need to cover 1/3 of the pot with soil. Then you should carefully take the flower from the previous pot, slightly loosen the ground, it is better to do this by the back side of the spoon or fork, performing this action very carefully so as not to damage the roots.

when it is possible to transplant flowers

We need to carefully and gradually pull out the plantfrom the pot. After that, you gently release the roots from the ground and transplant it into a new pot. That's all, you transplanted the flower and did it according to all the rules. When you have finished the transplant, you water the flower abundantly with water and put it for a few days in the shade. It should also be remembered that transplantation for a flower is a great stress, so it is important to know how to transplant a flower, causing it minimal harm.

Many are wondering about whenreplant flowers. It is best to do this in the spring and autumn. But in no case can not be transplanted during flowering or its beginning. It is necessary to wait until the plant buds, and then you can safely transplant it.

how correctly to transplant flowers

How to transplant a flower if it is very rare andexotic and, for example, got to you as a gift? In order not to ruin it, you can contact a landscape gardener who will help you transplant it correctly or do it yourself. Such a person probably knows how to correctly transplant flowers, just be careful and choose the right specialist.

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