/ / Shower tray with own hands: installation, installation, repair

Shower tray with own hands: installation, installation, repair

In the modern interior of the bathroom, shower cabins are used every year more and more often. This is due not only to their low cost and practicality, but also to convenience.

Today you can buy as complete setsshower equipment, and each of its component parts separately. In the latter case, you can save a lot, especially if you try to make a shower tray with your own hands.

shower tray with own hands

Types of shower trays

The shower tray can be made practicallyfrom any material. It all depends on your preferences and means. All of them differ not only in design, color, but also in practicality. Let's look at each one separately before making a shower tray with our own hands.

The acrylic pallets are durable, do not absorb dirt, do notchange color with time. The only drawback is the possibility of their deformation. To avoid this, the acrylic pallet either needs to be installed on a sturdy frame, which, as a rule, comes with it, or use a support system.

Pallet made of artificial marble - idealsolution for practical people. Such products are strong, keep the heat well and do not clatter under the stream of water. But not everyone can make such a shower tray with their own hands. This requires special material and skills to work with it.

Steel and cast-iron pallets are remnants of the past. They heat up for a long time, very "noisy", but strong. It is for the first two reasons that they are not in great demand today.

A ceramic tile tray is one of the most common types. It is durable, easily washed and simply mounted.

repairing the shower tray with your own hands

Buy ready or make a pallet yourself?

Very often during the renovation of the bathroom in theor a different situation, certain parameters of the shower tray are needed. In order to find one that suits you, it will take a lot of effort and, perhaps, more than one month. Therefore, if you have at least a minimal experience in the field of repair, then you can easily make a shower tray with your own hands.

installation of the shower tray with your own hands

In this situation, you not only make a showerthe necessary dimensions and shape, but also significantly save. The latter is explained by the fact that the manufacture and installation of the shower tray by one's own hands are one and the same. In addition, the material will cost you much cheaper than the finished product.

What you need to know before building a shower tray in the bathroom?

Usually during construction or masonry tiles inThe bathroom floors are poured with concrete. Proceeding from this, it can be concluded that the best material for the pallet that you want to make yourself is tile.

The modern choice of this material is soit's great that you can easily pick the one that fits perfectly to your interior in color, size and texture. In addition, this tile is also used for wall finishing in the shower room. And if you make the walls of the pallet higher, then it can serve you as a full bathroom.

A great opportunity to realize your ideas anddesire to reality - to create shower pallets with your own hands. Photos of some options you see in the article. It is worth noting that not every manufacturer can please you with the right size, shape and configuration of the product.

Shower tray with own hands

Shower tray in a wooden bath

If you want to make a shower tray inRussian bath, then it is done on the same principle as in the bathroom. The only thing you need to know is that the walls from the concrete screed are separated by ruberoid and polyethylene film.

Generally, the shower tray is aconcrete floor, tiled, along the perimeter of which the wall of the desired height is laid. The drain hole is usually made in one of the corners of the pallet, and below it there is a drain pipe. It should be noted that in the direction of the drain hole is a slight slope of the surface.

Instead of tiling some lay a smoothdecorative stone on the walls and the bottom of the shower tray. But many consider this impractical, since dirt is not easily absorbed in an insufficiently smooth surface, and it is very difficult to wash it out.

Water draining system

Have you decided to install the shower tray yourself? The water draining system is the first thing you need to start with. If your floor is already tiled, then this cover must be removed.

Before planning the locationdrainage, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the drainage pipe of the sewage system must be laid at an angle so that the water is drained by gravity. Otherwise, she will not leave.

shower pallets by hand

As a rule, the installation of a shower trayhands should be made on a hill. It may be necessary to raise the structure a little. As a result, the pallet will be a bit like the pedestal.

Arrangement of the pallet

During installation of a shower ladder and a discharge pipeit is advisable to use wooden stands of different heights. They will provide the right slope for draining. Plastic pipes replaced plastic pipes. This should not be neglected when you make a shower tray with your own hands. They are easy to attach to a plastic ladder, except this, will last you long enough.

After you fix everything you need to drain, make a floor screed. You can pour concrete or the entire bathroom, or just part of it, a place under a future shower.

Walls around the perimeter of the pallet

The enclosing walls are expelled immediately afterdrying screed. This can be done with the help of formwork or brick. The first option consists in the fact that from equal boards or special boards two parallel vertical partitions are made each other, and a solution is poured between them. In the second case, the enclosing walls are laid out of a brick, which then plastered. It should be noted that the wall, made with the help of formwork, does not need to be additionally plastered to lay tiles on it. Therefore, here you will save not only time, but also efforts. But everyone does as he likes.

make a shower tray with your own hands

After the walls along the perimeter of the palletready, without fail it is necessary to make an additional screed bottom with a slope on the sink. After a few hours, when the concrete has dried, primetute and treat it with a waterproofing compound.

Tiling of the shower tray

Fully installing the shower trayhands will be performed only after facing it with ceramic tiles. Here it should be noted that the material must be laid exclusively on a special moisture-resistant adhesive. Otherwise, the tile will not last long.

So, when buying a glutinous mixture, consult the seller. He will recommend the manufacturer to you. In addition, do not forget to specify for which specific purposes you need glue.

Information on how to prepare this solution,you will find on its packaging. Be sure to adhere to all proportions. Thoroughly mix the adhesive mixture with water using a construction mixer.

Begin to lay the tile from the corner.Only in this way you can correct all irregularities and errors. The solution is applied with a special notched trowel directly onto the tile, which is put on the screed and pressed down a little.

In order for the seams to be even, in the processLaying between the tile joints insert special crosses. After the glue dries, it is necessary to remove the crosses, and put a special water-repellent mixture on the seams.

installation of the shower tray with your own hands

At the end, wipe the tile with a damp cloth, then dry it.

General recommendations

As you can see, making a shower tray with your own hands is not so difficult. But all the same in this case it is necessary to adhere to the sequence of work and take into account some nuances.

Experts advise not to installa massive pallet, since it will heavily load the slab. In case of doubt about your calculations it is better to consult a professional of this case.

If you want to perform the installation or makerepair the shower tray with your own hands in the apartment on the first floor or a country house, in this case it is better to insulate both the floor and its part under the pallet. To do this, use modern high-quality materials. It can be as a mineral wool, and foam glass. Electric floor under the shower tray is not recommended.

Only the pallet that was designed forall rules and quality materials, will last you a long time and will bring pleasure during its use. Besides this, you will undoubtedly be proud to have made it yourself.

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