/ How do grenades grow? Where do grenades grow in Russia?

How do grenades grow? Where do grenades grow in Russia?

They say that there is no perfection in the world.Have you seen how grenades grow? Without exaggeration, this tree and its fruits can be called a refutation of the above-mentioned truth. Beauty, fertility, exquisite taste, good - all this is about him.

how to grow grenades

Sing an ode to a grenade

This fruit, which is actually considered falseberries, called the king of fruits - for a luxurious view, bright color and a carved corona in the form of a crown. Everything is valuable in it: seeds, juice, peel, septums between seeds, ossicles. Anyone who likes to eat pomegranates, for a long time preserves the youth of the skin and blood vessels, does not suffer from depression, anemia and low hemoglobin level, does not suffer from intestinal disorders ... Enumerate it indefinitely. To top it all, the garnet is among the aphrodisiacs, so lovers love it so much. Ancient Greek priests used his flowers and leaves in love magic. However, it's time to move on to the question of how the grenades grow and whether it is possible for the average person to grow a semi-shrub tree.

where grenades grow in Russia

Where is he from

First, it comes from prehistoric times.There is a version that the biblical Adam's apple and the discordant apple of Paris was just a grenade. This fruit is mentioned in ancient Greek mythology and in the writings of ancient healers. To say exactly where the culture has spread across the world is quite difficult, because grenades are growing anywhere in the world in tropical or subtropical belts - in Tunisia, Egypt, Italy, in the south of France, in Spain. With success these trees are grown in Turkey, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Abkhazia. Here and there garnets are growing in Russia - in the south of the Krasnodar Territory, in the Crimea, in the Azov Sea, and smaller varieties have taken root in the republics of the North Caucasus, in warmer foothills. The most courageous gardeners are trying to adapt new, more cold-resistant varieties of this crop in the areas of the middle belt and the Moscow region.

pomegranate cultivation

Is it possible to grow grenades at home?

Why not?If you live in a good mild climate with a long light day, with soft drained soil, you can even aim to grow grenades outdoors. It is necessary to take into account several important points. The pomegranate likes warmth - it's a child of the tropics! Therefore, at winter temperatures below 12-15 degrees below zero, it is better not to take risks and be content with a small house tree. But more on that later.

To plant a grenade in the ground, you need to preparesoil for a long time, for several months. Earth loosened, mixed with sand and peat, to make mineral and organic fertilizers. Fertile soil and the sunny side of the garden - only such conditions will suit this fruitful culture. It is better to plant seedlings in the spring. Although the pomegranate is a child of deserts and hot foothills, it tolerates high humidity. In summer the tree likes regular watering. But for the winter it is better to wrap it, wrap the trunk and warm the roots. Some gardeners practice a planting with a bias so that in winter it is possible to bend the seedling to the ground and cover it like grape.

grenade cultivation in open ground

Vegetation period

A pomegranate tree can live to be a hundred years old.Form the crown can be a regular pruning of old shoots, and a rare rejuvenating pruning every few years. Most often you can see a bush shaped, in five or six barrels.

If a sufficiently developed seedling is planted in the soil,by the first autumn on it shoots are already formed, on which fruit buds will be laid by the next season. True, for the first time it will most likely be flower buds, which will open simultaneously with leaf. It will be very beautiful, although without fruit. And then, on biennial shoots, there will be real fruit buds. How do garnets grow during the flowering period? This is an indescribable sight! Most magnificent bell-shaped flowers will outlive their age and fall off, but do not get upset. The tree will leave just as many fruits as it will withstand. Pomegranate flowers are self-pollinated, which makes it easier to grow them indoors - in a house or a greenhouse.

how the pomegranate grows photo

Growing grenades indoors

Unfortunately, there are not many places where people grow upgrenades in Russia in free air. More often they occur in the form of pot culture. At home, you can grow a very beautiful fruit tree with a height of up to a meter, or even a meter and a half. It takes only time and patience.

There are several options for landing.You can buy sprouted seedlings in the nursery or in transit. You can plant cuttings 10 cm long in spring or early summer in a pot. And you can take a chance and decide to grow a pomegranate from a bone.

First of all, we must take care of the soil.Fatty land does not like garnet, so the purchased soil must be mixed with sand, and put a layer of drainage on the bottom of the pot. Tableware does not have to be bulky, since the plant still needs to be transplanted as it grows.

How to grow grenades

Ways of planting

If the cutting is planted, it can be covereda jar for better rooting, but from time to time open for air access. If the choice was made by multiplying seeds, they should be buried in well spilled ground to a depth of no more than 1 cm and covered with a film for rapid germination. Sprouts appear after two to three weeks, and after that the film needs to be removed. The pot should stand on the brightest window, but without direct sunlight. There are different opinions about this method. Someone argues that the seeds need to be cleaned from the pulp before planting, the other believes that the seed germinates better in the pulp. In any case, you need to plant a few bones, so there is reason to try both options.

Bones for planting should be taken from a healthy,fresh pomegranate. For information: ripe pomegranate has a dryish skin, tight fruit. If the skin is dense and shiny, it means that the fruits are ripped unripened, and it is better not to use seeds for planting.

You need to water the seedling regularly.He should not suffer from lack of heat and light. The temperature in the room below 12 degrees grenades can not stand, it is optimal for it - 25-26 degrees. And all, you can admire for many years how a pomegranate grows. A photo of a flowering bush or fruit in a cut - and that is impressive, but what about a living flowering tree. The Japanese say that you can become happy by growing bonsai. A pomegranate can very well become a bonsai, especially if it is grown with your own hands and cares.

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