/ / How to paint the ceiling with a roller: a detailed description, features and recommendations

How to paint the ceiling with a roller: a detailed description, features and recommendations

If before you, as well as before many ownersapartments and houses, the question arose about how to paint ceilings with a roller, then you should familiarize yourself with the technology. It will allow you to understand how to avoid mistakes. To begin with, it is necessary to assess the state of the surface and prepare the substrate, which guarantees good hiding power and a qualitative result.

From the state of the ceiling will depend on the choice of paint.For example, for an unpainted surface or painted, but in good condition, it is best to use acrylic paint, because it provides the ideal whiteness, does not turn yellow over time, is economical and can be washed with household products.

Advice of a specialist

But if the surface of the ceiling is plaquedust or it is painted and has dirty stains, it is better to choose a special paint for the ceiling, which will help to hide the errors and differs in moisture resistance. The compound should be suitable for application on top of strong spots, have high hiding power and dry quickly.

how to paint ceilings with a roller

Selection of materials and tools

Before deciding for yourself the question of howpaint the ceilings with a roller, you need to pick up tools and materials. As for the paint, it can be any - latex or acrylic. However, for ceilings, experts recommend using water-based enamels. Work with them - a pleasure, because they easily and smoothly lie down, almost odorless, washed with plain water if necessary and washed well.

The mixture can have a matt shade, which is veryit is important for difficult coloring, because work with the ceiling can not be called easy. In addition, the matte surface is not so visible irregularities and flaws. The paint should be fresh, but if the mixture has been stored for some time, then it should be checked for uniformity. Otherwise, poor quality of the paint can negatively affect the result.

After selecting materials, you can start to review the tools. In addition to the roller, you will need:

  • paint brush;
  • lever;
  • bath;
  • painting tape.

When choosing a paint brush,the width of which does not exceed 5 cm. But the painting tape can be replaced with tape. The tray is usually a tray or cuvette. When buying a roller, you must buy one whose width is a maximum of 50 cm. The minimum value is 30 cm.

how to paint the ceiling with paint roller

More on choosing a roller

Before you paint the ceilings with a roller, you mustchoose the main tool, while the consumer should take into account some recommendations. First, the working surface of the tool should be fluffy, because the pile will allow to paint all the irregularities. Secondly, when buying, you need to pull the nap and check if it falls out. After all, if this happens during staining, the villi will stick to the surface and the work will be spoiled.

Before you paint the ceilings with a roller, you mustcheck the joints that should not be visible. If so, then the layer will be uneven, and it will be necessary to cover the surface in several layers or completely redo the work. Both the first and second cases entail additional costs. Another important nuance in choosing a roller is its density. Check this feature by holding the tool in your hand. If it deforms, you should refuse to purchase this device for staining, because you can not grind the paint as smoothly as possible.

how to paint the ceiling with a roller

Additional recommendations for selecting a roller

If you want to understand which roller is betterpaint the ceiling, you should know that you should not always trust the seller's advice. Many of them are advised to purchase a foam or velor version of it. The materials in the base absorb the liquid perfectly, therefore, the paint will go away very much. When the formulation is applied to the surface using such a roller, bubbles will form. In addition, the paint will drip abundantly on the floor, so a fuzzy bead is an excellent choice of specialists.

Many home masters are wondering aboutwhich tool is best to choose - brush or roller. Paint brushes are a fairly simple tool, but when painting the surface they remain streaks, marks, hairs and divorces. Using a brush it is almost impossible to achieve a completely flat finish. A layer does not get smooth, as when using a roller. Yes, and with the help of the latter tool, it is possible to capture a more impressive surface area, and the composition at the same time falls flat and neat, without stripes and traces.

how to paint the ceiling with a roller emulsion

Preparation for staining

Before you paint the ceiling with a paint roller, youmust prepare the room from which all furniture and interior items are removed. If something cannot be taken out of the room, then it is necessary to use covers and tape, and for reliability the material is fixed with adhesive tape.

The entire surface of the floor is also covered by a newspaper orthe same polyethylene. The windows are curtained, the window sills are covered to protect the materials from drops and paint splashes. Shoes and clothes that you plan to use when working should be comfortable. You should wear a hat or a head scarf on your head. Do not forget about safety: you must protect your eyes with glasses and your hands with gloves.

The surface of the ceiling is being prepared, the baseit is cleared of whitewashing or an old covering; putty can be patched bumps and seams. If you are faced with the question of how to properly paint the ceiling with a roller, then you should consider that the surface must be treated with a primer the day before the mixture is applied.

It is grounded in order to createmoisture resistant layer, while the paint keeps firmly and for a long time. Before painting the mixture is well mixed, and hard-to-reach areas can be painted with a paint brush. It is also used for processing places around the perimeter and along the walls, where it is problematic to get a roller.

how to paint the ceiling with water-based paint roller

Detailed description of staining

Quite often beginners are sethow to paint the ceiling with water-based paint roller. If you also were among them, then first you need to pour the composition in the bath and soak the mixture with a roller. Excess rubbing on the inclined surface of the tray. The instrument must be well saturated.

For convenience, an extended handle is worn on the roller.It is better to start work in the early morning and not to take breaks, it is better to work at all without a smoke break so that the previous layers of paint do not have time to dry before applying the following. Getting to work is necessary from the door, you should move parallel to the window opening. Movement should be directed parallel, and when applying paint to the previous lane, you need to go about 8 cm.

how to paint the ceiling with water-based paint roller

Features of coloring

Если перед вами встал вопрос о том, как красить ceiling paint roller, then you must remember that when applying a single layer will not be able to get a uniform surface. Each subsequent layer should be directed perpendicular to the previous one.

After applying the first layer, it is left todrying, only after you can proceed to further work. Coloring is carried out with an overlap to hide the transition and prevent undyed areas. The composition is wiped to create a smooth coating. The penultimate layer should be directed along the window. That is, the movement must be directed parallel to it.

Additional specialist advice

Ceiling preparation may involve noonly applying putty, but also the implementation of grinding. After that, you can proceed to staining. When choosing a roller, it is necessary to choose one that is made of sheep wool, as it has many advantages. Among others, it should be noted that with the help of this tool it is difficult to leave unpainted areas. In addition, such a tool will be characterized by high wear resistance and excellent absorbent qualities.

Choosing a roll of sheep wool, you excludethe need to remove pieces that have been peeled off the instrument from the ceiling, as happens when using cheaper products. On the surface of the roller should be rolled without strong pressure. At the same place you have to go several times, which will contribute to the uniform distribution of paint.

If you, too, were among those who askThe question of how to paint the ceiling with water-based paint with a roller should be aware that if there are several windows and openings in the room, the second layer is applied along the longest wall. To reduce the consumption of the mixture can be, using the grid in the bath. When you roll on it with a roller, excess paint will flow back into the container.

what roller is better to paint the ceiling

If the ceiling initially has a yellowish tint,then you must eliminate yellowness after the painting work. To do this, add some blue pigment to the mixture. It must be diluted in water, and then added in small portions to a container of paint. The resulting composition is well mixed, and the procedure is repeated until the paint does not allow to obtain the desired result.

For reference

Now you know how to paint the ceiling with a roller.without divorce. However, the choice of the described tool does not mean that the work will be successful. It is important to prepare the surface well, because the quality of further work will depend on it. In addition, the outcome is also influenced by the material at the base of the surface; among others, drywall and concrete should be distinguished.


GKL perfectly holds any types of paints, but beforeapplying a new decorative layer of the joints of sheets of material must be sealed. They must be invisible, for this they are greased with putty. Such actions should be carried out with the caps of the self-tapping screws, which allow the sheets to be attached to the frame and installed in the first stage of decoration.

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