Not always any term can indicatecharacteristic, the image of his subject. Take the dormer windows. Quite an old construction, which remains relevant today. But why is the window aural? What is it for? How to arrange it, what kind of variety to choose? We will answer all these and other equally interesting questions in the course of the article.
The dormer window is one of the small structural elements that is located in the attic or attic roof. You can also find the following names:
The purpose of arranging such an element originallywas the ventilation of the attic space or the attic. Then the dormer window was used as a natural light source. Often today it is designed purely as a decorative element. If you take into account the practical problem, in modern times the dormer window is often replaced by a ventilation grill.
Today you can find whole encyclopedias of recommendations on the form, arrangement and decoration of such elements. Consequently, the dormer windows on the roof and to this day are popular and relevant.
The purpose of the element affects its location:
Sometimes dormer windows are also used inquality "door" for access to the roof - say, for preventive or repair work. Can be an additional emergency. Increasingly, their only function in modern buildings is purely decorative.
If you ignore the arrangement of the dormer on the roof or an alternative to it, you can observe the following:
Such elements are also desirable forensuring the safety of the entire structure of the dwelling. The fact is that the speed of the flow of air with a strong gust of wind creates a vacuum over the roof. Under the roof, however, the pressure does not change. From this, the roof tends to rise, to break. Even if its weight is decent, and the fastenings are reliable, this is a negative phenomenon - there are strong vibrations on the walls of the house.
And what about the dormer window on the roof? It under the hurricane acts as a valve of excessive pressure. That is, the flow of air is likely to knock out the glass, leveling the pressure, rather than lift the roof into the air.
The classic design of the dormer windows of houses -this superstructure on the roof in the form of a kind of house. The calculation of its dimensions is made according to the need of the attic room in the lighting. Often, several such endings are built at once, separated by beams.
Dormer windows can be blind, may beglazed. Very often the door performs both functions at once. Glass - for lighting, the system of blinds - for ventilation. For a sufficient ventilation of the space, a difference with a street temperature of 5-10 degrees is appropriate.
You can place several dormer windows in onerow, or in a peculiar way to "scatter them" in a checkerboard pattern. When designing, it is important to remember that the total width of all openings should be approximately equal to the length of the edge of the roof ramp. The distance from the floor of the attic or attic to the lower window row is about 1 meter.
For hearing aids, roofing is usually usedthe same type as for the roof, so as not to violate the overall harmony. Moreover, such windows are equipped not only on new houses, but also on those requiring modernization and reconstruction.
Now let's proceed to the classification of the elements. According to the design features, the dormer windows in the attic or attic are divided into the following types:
In form they can be divided into the following types:
A variety with vertical glazing is also popular:
Let's look at the most interesting varieties in more detail.
The roof here lies under a slope of 15 degrees, whichenough to drain the rainfall from the window. This design is known for its simplicity. However, for greater reliability, you should also create a roof over the "house" of the dormer.
Here there is some complexity due to the fact,that it is necessary to arrange the correct joining of the roof parts at different angles. However, the gable embodiment looks more aesthetically pleasing. It should be noted and its high reliability in the quality of sealing joints.
Often to equip gable roof windows, a dome or a radii roof is used.
The most common in modern times.They differ in roofing slopes of a large angle of inclination. The pediment of this design of the dormer windows is in the same plane with the pediment of the building. Thus, the assembly of the element is carried out according to the scheme, that its axial lines coincide with the axes of the windows of the entire building, which quite harmoniously inscribes the design in the overall concept.
The steepness of roof rajas here does not increasethe volume of the attic, but at the same time does not complicate the problem of storm sewage. Also for a triangular design, a simple waterproofing of the side walls is typical. Its ramp descends to the roof to the razzheloBka, which already by itself solves the issue of tightness.
Let's look at a simple example (a triangular dormer) to see how the installation is done:
Both design and installation of a similar structure is carried out in accordance with SNiP 21-01, II-26. Following the instructions allows you to build a durable and reliable structure.
The most important regulations of SNiPs are the following:
Let's also present the advice and feedback of those masters who installed a dormer window in their house:
In conclusion - a few interesting facts.Why is the window on the roof, the attic - auditory? The fact is that in the depths of the centuries the word "rumor" also had the meaning of "proudhina", "opening", "hole". A certain "opening for hearing" - perhaps to listen, what is going on in the street.
There is a legend that the window got the name fromthe name of the master of Hearing - the one that was in charge of the roofing works during the construction of the capital Manezh. The engineer thought up installing windows to increase the density of long-span structures. And over time they began to be called by the name of their inventor.
The main functions of the dormer in the attic or on theattic - ventilation and natural lighting of space. However, in the modern world, most often these elements are equipped for decorating purposes, which is why they are represented in a wide range of constructive and mold varieties.