A bear cub is a cub of a wild animal, and even in zoos, circuses, reserves and other special institutions, people are not used to giving them names. But to give the nickname to a club-footed baby is very important.
We are of the same blood - you and me
Some believe that the nickname not only helps to establish contact with the animal and develop mutual trust, but it can also affect the future fate of the beast.
But for sure you can say that the name of the pet is importantboth for the animal itself and for man. It is best to give the bear's name a short one, then it will be easier for him to remember it. It is desirable that it clearly sounds, because the little bear will still need to respond and understand that it is his name. Considering what name to give a bear cub, do not forget that this is also a living being and requires love.
Display character in name
When you start choosing a name for any beast, treating it as a child is not enough, although this is already the right way.
He will tell you how to find a common language with the animaland get his trust. But first of all, if the bear already grows a little, begins to show the characteristics of the character, then they must be taken into account. Even if you choose a name for a white bear, then call it Snegko only because of the color of the fur will be ridiculous, agree. Although the girl may well come up with the name Snezhana, and if you want a more unusual, "foreign", then the name of the Scandinavian goddess of love Frey quite suitable. If this is a boy and he is clever and affectionate, then you can call it after the character cartoon - Umka. If he is friendly, but prefers to remain alone, but is ready to protect his mother and others, one can call him Nanook (the name means "polar bear" in the language of the Eskimos).
From polar to brown
Select the name of a bear brown or blackeasier than white. In any case, so many believe. To give the beast a name that would indicate its color is a very good idea, but not necessary. You can well call it so that just matched fuzzy pussy based on the character, and there can be many options. Help can come to your favorite books, movies and cartoons. For example, from books to the head comes immediately familiar from childhood, a kind, fair, but at the same time a formidable bear Balu from the story of Mowgli. If you recall more recent stories, then there are a lot of them too. You can give the bear cub a Kenai or a Coda from a Disney cartoon where a person has turned into his totem. Then he will grow up a good and faithful bear. The Indians had many other interesting names, which are very suitable for bears, in particular, brown. By the way, terrible names can be given, and, conversely, very nice cubs. For example, come from the Anglo-Saxon and known by the film and the book "The Hobbit" the name Beorn. And the girl can be called Ursula - quite simply, but unusual.
Are there any rules?
As with choosing a name for the child, there are no rules when you give a name to a bear cub.
The only criterion that canexist, is a personal preference. Can the nickname literally change the fate of the baby? "How do you call a ship, so it will float?" Evidence does not exist for such views, but it is also impossible to say without doubt. The nickname of the beast helps in the upbringing and training, but these processes will influence how good, faithful or aggressive it will grow. Of course, do not forget that by nature bears are wild animals, and it is always more humane to give them the opportunity to live in a natural environment. But with the prosperity of poaching you can never know how much the kid will stay with you. That is why it is very important to choose a name from the heart, and not just so that you can fill in the animal documents or write it on the stand near the cage in the zoo.