Flying on an airplane for somebody is fear and horror, butfor the workers of aviation this is the element! In 1923 a powerful air fleet was created in Russia. It was intended for the transportation of passengers and cargo. From this day onwards, all the people involved in the airships receive congratulations on the Day of Aviation. Thanks to these professionals, citizens can move on the fastest of vehicles!
Aviation - one of the fast and high-qualitydeveloping branches of the country. Aircraft are being modernized, becoming safer. Employees who have dedicated their lives to air transport work for the good of the country with dedication. They are responsible, attentive, sometimes cold-blooded. This dangerous profession requires high knowledge, skills and experience. Accept employees congratulations on the Day of Aviation right on the job, but without champagne and cake. All this only after the change!
To this wonderful holiday you needprepare in advance. If you decide to make a surprise to a loved one who is directly affected by this celebration, you need to pick up the warmest words. Many poems were composed about the dangerous profession of pilots, airplanes, flights. If you just read these wishes in the form of a toast, it will get boring. Get an inexpensive model of a radio-controlled aircraft. Attach a postcard to him with a wish. Raise the ship to the sky and give the remote to the culprit. Let him plant the plane himself and get out his congratulations on the Day of Aviation in verse.
Let all be fast,
And above the head there will be a crystal clear sky!
With the Day of Aviation, we congratulate,
We wish successes in work and happiness,
Wonderful flights,
New, fast aircraft,
Colleague reliable and simple,
And gold medals!
Do you hear a standing ovation? Today is Aviation Day!
Congratulations to all those involved,
And we wish you happiness!
Wonderful pilots, and the most beautiful flights!
At home to meet with warmth and with hope saw off.
Successes to you in work, safety in flight.
Without a cloud of clear sky,
And to fly up the career!
Such universal congratulations on the Day of Aviation will suit both relatives and unfamiliar people.
In the world of the latest technology, a simple postcardsometimes it seems like a relic of the past. But the congratulation with the help of short messages sent to the mobile phone is actual. All from small to large are able to use this function. It's very convenient, fast. After all, there is no difference how sincere wishes will be conveyed, the main thing is to give the person attention and show that you remember about his professional holiday. Congratulations on the Day of Aviation can be sent in any format! You do not have to be too smart, it's better to apply a little humor! And on this day warm words are accepted not only by the pilots, but also flight attendants, technical workers.
Do not forget to send to everyone involved.congratulations on the Day of Aviation. Cool short messages will delight people of a dangerous profession! It is so important to know that their work is valued, worried about them, and always waiting at home!
Send a funny message can unfamiliarconqueror of the air spaces. The closest people need to express their wishes in a more serious way. Sincere words coming from the heart, fit perfectly well. After all, before each departure, you say goodbye, as if for the last time! Congratulations on the Day of Aviation in prose can be read at the holiday table. Then all the invited will feel the seriousness and danger of the profession.
“Today is a very important day!A holiday of courageous and desperate people - workers of air transportation! Every time you are in the sky, I do not find a place for myself on earth! I look forward to landing and call! May luck always be with you, and you already have the knowledge and skills! Successes in work, not the slightest misfire! I am with you in the sky with my heart and soul! ”
Any holiday should be celebrated fun!Come up with quizzes, contests, games. No matter how old guests are, they will frolic like children. Banal feasts with mournful toasts have long been out of fashion. The holiday is dancing, songs, delicious food, loud laughter and chatter! Small gifts for professional holidays to colleagues will be the way. Even a tiny keychain in the form of an airplane can be a good luck talisman for life! Have fun - do not be lazy!