/ / Broiler growing on deep litter

Growing broilers on deep bedding

В наше время достаточно прибыльным делом стало growing broilers. The breed of these meat chicken hybrids is now quite a lot. And the most popular of them is the English breed of chickens Cornish and the breed Plymouth, bred in the USA. Broilers of such breeds as Pantzirevo, Kuchin, Jubilee, New Hampshire and May Day are less often bred. But Russian breeders now also succeeded in this matter. By their efforts, new and cheaper chicken crosses are emerging, which are also better adapted for local conditions. An example is the Russian breed of baros-123, which is in no way inferior to Western "colleagues."

Of course, you can try to bring your owncross these chickens, but this will require a lot of labor as well as time. And so now poultry farmers buy selected daily chickens at poultry farms or from their more experienced colleagues. And further, broilers can be grown in several ways. But two of them are the most convenient and accessible. And the first way is to grow broiler chickens on a deep litter. And in household plots in which there is a stock of necessary forages, this way chickens can be grown all year round.

Для этого в первую очередь нужен сухой и теплый poultry house. It should also be well ventilated. The ceiling and walls in this room must be plastered and bleached with lime. The floors in the poultry house also have special requirements. They should have low thermal conductivity, be waterproof and inaccessible to the teeth of rodents.

Before you buy a new batch of chickens,The poultry house needs to be disinfected. To do this, the floors in it are sprinkled with lime-pushenkoy, and then they lay the litter. And that broiler chickens, the cultivation of which should bring a good income, grew healthy, this litter should be constantly in loose and dry condition. The thickness of it in summer should be within 5-10 centimeters, and in the remaining seasons - 15-20 centimeters. A sufficiently deep litter will absorb harmful gases and moisture well, it will also serve as a layer of thermal insulation and, on the whole, improve the sanitary condition of the whole room.

Growing broilers requires special attention tochoice of materials for this litter. Here you can use wood shavings and sawdust, fibrous peat, sunflower husk or crushed rods left from corn cobs. This material must be dried well. Therefore, it is desirable to prepare it in the summer, in the hottest months, and with such a margin that it is enough for the whole year. Because the use of raw, moldy, frozen and polluted bedding can affect the health of broilers.

And when buying one-day chickens should also bepay attention to their condition. To grow broilers has given the maximum results, these chickens should be healthy. This can be determined by their stomach. In a healthy chicken, it is matched, mobile and soft with a tightened umbilical cord. The fluff of such a "baby" is smooth, shining and tightly fitting to the body. Determine the degree of health of the daily chicken can be and by its live weight. It should be about 40 grams.

Чтобы цыплята хорошо росли, в птичнике должен stand twilight. At the same time, the light day for them should be at least 17 hours. Depending on the area of ​​the room, the number of chickens is also selected. One square meter can grow up to 10-15 goals. And if the chickens are equipped with good ventilation, then this livestock can be increased to 14-18. The temperature in the henhouse also affects the growth of its "tenants". If it is too low, the growth of chickens will be delayed, they will begin to twist, become inactive, and weaker individuals will simply perish. Warm up this chicken coop can be ordinary household electrical appliances, such as reflectors, heating pads and the like. To the ventilation of the room, too, must be approached with all seriousness. It should be done so that there is not a strong wave of cold and there was no draft.

And that the chicks turned out to be fullchickens-broilers, the cultivation of which is the ultimate goal of this whole undertaking, they must be well fed. During the first four days they are encouraged to feed eggs, which are hard-boiled, waste from the processing of dairy products and low-fat cottage cheese. Also, young corn and wheat, cake, steamed pea dung, meat-and-bone or fish meal, as well as canteens and food waste can be added to these feeds. Even for broilers, dry milk and animal fats will be beneficial. In summer, they should be fed with green fodders containing vitamins. Do not forget about water, as broilers drink a lot and often. And with proper cultivation after 56 days, broilers reach about 1.5 kilograms of live weight. This age is optimal for slaughtering them for meat. You can hold them and a little longer, up to 80 days of age. More feeding the broilers does not make sense, since the intensity of their growth then decreases.

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