/ / Funny name for a dog (boy and girl)

Funny name for a dog (boy and girl)

Most people, before they start a dog,In advance they come up with names, they try to foresee the behavior. And while everyone wants to give the pet an original and memorable nickname. A cool nickname for a dog is an opportunity to cheer yourself and others around. One can only imagine a walk in the park and a loud cry: "Karapet Urutiunovich, stop defecating on the lawn!" - laughter and smiles for the whole day are provided.

Sources, where you can take names for pets, more than enough. Here are some directions on which you can go and find the most interesting examples.

Typical names for dogs

Strangely enough, but you can make yourself thisa hit parade of the most common canine nicknames. Almost every Russian house once had Bobiki, Balls, Cubes and Tuziki. Now such a name is perceived as a funny nickname for a dog with an admixture of antiquity. These four onimas eventually became not only included in folklore, but even turned into common names. Using them in the plural, often mean the entire dog class, and not a specific dog.

funny nickname for a dog
By and large, a similar situation can beobserve in each country. Therefore, there are also popular nicknames for dogs that came to us from Europe and America. Among them, most often there are Jim, Jackie (Jeka), Julie, Jonah and many others.

But if you clearly set out to come up with somethingreally cool, memorable and enchanting, to stop on the proposed options in any case impossible. We need to look for inspiration in something more modern and unusual.

Cartoon nicknames

All the names listed above are still encounteredtime in every third house. In pursuit of originality, it is better not to use them. An unusual and funny nickname for a dog can be found in cartoons. If you have a restless long-eared dog and a strange dog, then what is he not Gouffi? A large mobile brown dog, which is ready to give up a lot for the sake of cookies and sleep - this is exactly Scooby-Doo from "Ghostbusters".

If you have a pair of puppies, it's even easier to find names, because there are a lot of options where the main characters are a duet. Yorkshire fidget can not be called otherwise, like Chip and Dale (the main thing is not to mix up).

You can also take such funny nicknames for dogs (boys), like Rocky for a fat cheese lover, and the name Slinter from the "Ninja Turtles" will suit the thin and thoughtful.

funny nicknames for boys dogs
In any case, the abundance of animated characters will allow you to choose exactly that nickname that will characterize your dog as accurately as possible.

Just remember, the name affects the way of lifethe pet. Negative characters are not the best option to pick up a nickname for a pet. But the fight pit bull can be nicknamed Doctor Doom, since it is difficult to imagine a more insidious and powerful villain.

Historical Characters

Fans of exquisite and ornate nicknames canactively exploit historical themes. There is where to go for a walk, since there are thousands of variants: from monosyllables to such that they consist of two and more words. Also in this category can be attributed and the proper names of literary characters.

Popular historical names often used for animals are Napoleon, Carl, Churchill, Roosevelt, Marie Antoinette, Krupskaya and others.

Funny nicknames for dogs (girls) -literary characters and authors of works, such as Dulcinea, Princess, Thumbelina, Cinderella, Galatea. More extravagant options - Eugenie Grande, Monroe, Sappho. Inveterate book lovers will not only choose a nickname, but also embellish it with a bright origin history.

Of the book names are also nicknames for small dogs (boys). Funny doggies of small breeds can be proud of such nicknames as Dostoevsky, Don Quixote, Tsar, King Kong and the like.

cool dog names for girls

Whole world map in dog name

Many owners reward their pets.names of states, cities, provinces, mountains, reservoirs. It is noteworthy that such names can sound both quite seriously and impressively, and ironic. For example, a dog of impressive size, called Luxembourg, evokes some respect, whereas the Kid is an accurate hit, as it indicates the modest size of the country.

The new sound acquires the names of the continents and continents. If the mother is Africa, then it seems quite logical to call the puppies of Zimbabwe Namibia and Nigeria.

A funny dog ​​name can come from the name of a celestial body - Betelgeuse, Cassiopeia, the Milky Way (Milky Way), Mars and many others.

cool nicknames for small dogs

Some terminology

Even science can tell your pet's name.Fans of extraordinary nicknames can open a glossary of words and in general poke a finger at the first word that is found blindly. No one will remain indifferent if he sees on the street that the dog responds to the Synchrophasotron, Aspirin, Gluconate or Transistor.

These dog names will also be complementary.image of the owner. For example, if the owner is a builder, then friends will appreciate the following nicknames: Planer, Trowel, Anker, Rafters (obviously for a pet of a threatening look and size).

Косметология тоже предлагает забавные клички для small dogs (girls). Funny names are obtained from the items that the representative of this profession uses: Cosmetic Bag, Cilium, Brush, and so on.

nicknames for little dogs boys cool

These simple sounds

When the fantasy dried up, and among the proposedNone satisfies the options, you can go a simple way - listen to the sounds, which publishes a pet. After this, Skrjabi, Skul-Skuli, Gawa and others begin to run through the streets.

The combination of the same syllables also suggestsmany funny nicknames like these: Frou-Frou, Kiki, Nana, Swell, Lyalya and the like. There is another version of Mu-Mu, but then you will often have to explain that no one is going to heat anyone.

nicknames for little dogs girls cool

Reflection of the host's inner world

As strange as it sounds, the dog’s namedisplays not only the character of the dog, but also reveals some of the features of its owner. A man who calls his dog twisted complex names (“Ostap-Berta-Maria-Bender-Bey, sit!”), And in life loves all the complex, beautiful, fancy. The owners of Bobikov and Tuzikov are simple and open people, hospitable.

Aspirinki, Butterscotch, Anker, Business cards run aroundworkaholics, assiduous and motivated individuals. Such people do not strive to achieve a big career advancement - recognition in a close environment is much more important.

nicknames for little dogs girls cool
Выбирая кличку для собаки, стоит помнить, что пес will get used to any sound. The main thing - say the pet's nickname more often and as kinder as possible. But remember, funny nicknames for small dogs should not be too harsh, because they can scare the animal.

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