/ / Choose a remedy for fleas for a cat

Choose a remedy for fleas for a cat

Have fleas appeared in the cat? Treatment should be started immediately! About what means for fighting these insects exist today, read in the article.

Remedy for fleas for a cat
Do not be surprised if you suddenly notice thatYour home favorite fleas are wound up. They can settle in a cat, even if they never went out into the street. Larvae can bring and the owner on their shoes. This is sufficient for rapid multiplication of parasites. Ignore the fact of infection is unacceptable: fleas can cause serious illness in the animal. How to deal with such parasites? What remedy for fleas in cats to apply?

К счастью, дустовое мыло и дихлофос канули в лету.Now the treatment has become fast, effective and convenient. Zoorynk offers a choice of powder, drops, sprays, shampoos, collars. Let's focus on consumer reviews, consider each remedy for fleas for a cat separately.

Let's start, perhaps, with an insectoacaricidal powder.Take as an example the drug "Harz" (Ultra Guard), received quite good reviews. The undoubted advantage is that there is no need to wet the animal (many tailed do not like water terribly). Powder is applied to the whole animal (against the coat) and rubbed. In addition to the antiparasitic effect, it has another, undoubtedly, important quality - it removes the irritation that appears after bites. Powder is effective against ticks. Among the minuses - a short period of validity (up to a week).

Means against fleas in cats

Следующее средство от блох для кошки — шампунь.Because of the need to conduct a bathing procedure is used by the owners of cats less often. Suitable for those animals that calmly transfer water. An example of an inexpensive and effective shampoo of domestic production can be preparations such as "Bars", "Cleaner". But kids with this shampoo can not be bathed. Alternatively, in this case, you can consider "Ms Kiss" (from 4 weeks).

Sprays are another remedy for fleas for a cat,standing by popularity in second place. They are convenient to handle the animal, and the duration of their action is much greater than that of powder and shampoo. Excellent drugs such as "Front Line" (permissible for treatment of pregnant / nursing cats and kittens), "Harz", "Bars", etc., are effective. To obtain the effect, the drug must be sprayed throughout the body of the animal (with the exception of the nose and eyes). If there is no possibility to carry out processing on the street, do not forget to ventilate the room. Make sure that your pet does not lick the wool (until it dries).

The leader of sales is a remedy for fleas for a cat in the form ofdrops. Conveniences, of course, are undeniable: each mini-package is designed for a specific weight. Therefore, following the instructions, you can not be afraid of overdoses (do not allow licking).

Fleas in cats treatment
Pipette contents - oily liquid -is distributed over the skin at the withers (it is over the skin, not over the wool). Usually for a cat up to 8 kg one dose is required. Validity period is from one month to three months. These are the preparations of such firms as "Advantage", "Stonghold" (including for kittens), "Advocate" (both against external parasites and against internal ones), "Bars", etc.

In order to avoid relapse after treatment, the cat's habitat is treated and the anti-collar collar (Bifar, Harz, Trix, Bolfo, etc.) is put on it.

In conclusion - a few words about the novelty,which appeared on the zoo market. We are talking about the ultrasound medallion "Flea and Tick", emitting pulses that repel insects (fleas, ticks). Works on a mini-battery. To judge the effectiveness of the medallion is still difficult, since the existing few reviews are very controversial.

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