/ / ESR during pregnancy. When should we panic?

ESR during pregnancy. When should we panic?

Let's first understand the concepts.Most likely, the word "ESR" is heard by many, even among those who, in fact, do not think whether it is elevated or not. And if we just hear from the TV screens about the soe, and also read on the Internet, then this indicator is really important and informative, because it reflects the state of our body.

ESR is nothing more than the rate of subsidenceerythrocytes in the blood of a person. There are indicators for pregnant and non-pregnant women, for newborns, small children, for men and the elderly. As they say, you can not measure all by one comb, it would be a mistake.

So, soy with pregnancy and body, notbearing fruit at the moment, differ. The rate of erythrocyte sedimentation will be completely different. Outworn erythrocytes (though they can not talk about age, because their life span is only 120 days), they get to the liver and spleen, where they die, that is, they are destroyed and removed from the body, and new ones are produced in the red bone marrow.

It is believed that soy during pregnancy cansignificantly increase, and this is not a reason for panic. It should be so. The norm of soy during pregnancy is 45 mm / h, while in normal women the norm is 15 mm / h.

But much depends, of course, not only on theseindicators, and a competent professional doctor should take this into account. On diet during or without pregnancy, the diet significantly influences (and we emphasize the word significantly). For example, those who prefer vegetable food have low values ​​and vice versa, a meat lover will find other data when analyzing the blood. Influences on the indicators and hidden inflammatory processes, which a person may not even guess, but in the body they are, nevertheless, present.

Many people are wondering - why is soy, heightened during pregnancy, aroused by doctors?

Indeed, despite the fact that these indicatorsthey can ride at different stages of pregnancy, it is the doctors who pay special attention to them. As you know, the procedure for taking tests for soy during pregnancy, is mandatory for all future parturient women.

When examining soy during pregnancy, the doctor determinesgeneral condition of the woman and the course of pregnancy. Unfortunately, if this indicator is rapidly creeping up, then the body has inflammatory processes and it is necessary to establish their true cause. Inflammatory processes may indicate, say, kidney diseases, metabolic disorders in the body and even malignant tumors.

But do not panic, sometimes such testsare done several times with breaks of 1-2 days. It often happens that the primary tests for determining the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation were not entirely accurate, therefore, in order to be convinced of their correctness and informativeness, it is necessary to take the tests several times. And it is desirable to conduct research in several laboratories.

Finally, a few words about the overall change in this indicator.

The first six months of pregnancy are lower than inthe last trimester. And this is normal too, do not panic. In the last trimester, the numbers increase dramatically and almost triple! Doctors are aware of this, so calmly refer to such differences. Also, the high rate of erythrocyte sedimentation is the norm in the postpartum period, the first weeks after childbirth. And then these indicators slowly but steadily come back to normal. That is, they will strive again to 15 mm / h.

If you are planning to become a mother, then investigateblood should be given in advance, in order to protect yourself from unexpected and not always pleasant surprises. In particular, it is necessary to take tests for ESR, as well as to eat properly and consecutively.

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