/ / Angina in pregnancy: treatment and prevention

Angina in pregnancy: treatment and prevention

Pregnancy is the most amazing,unforgettable and beautiful condition of a woman who can not be compared to anything. When the future mother finds out that she is in a position, she seems to be preparing herself for the fact that during nine months she will have to cope with toxicosis, muscle cramps and swelling of the legs. Due to the fact that the immune system of beautiful ladies at this time decreases, a woman is susceptible to a variety of infectious diseases, namely mumps, rubella, flu, colds, tonsillitis. Therefore, in this article, I would like to talk about how angina proceeds in pregnant women, what its consequences are, and how to properly treat this disease.

Sore throat during pregnancy:treatment, symptoms and the consequences of it - this is something that everyone should know about. This disease can bring irreparable harm to the future child. Every girl should remember that the treatment should be prescribed only a qualified doctor and in no case can not do it yourself, read a lot of books or talking with friends. Each expectant mother must realize that the angina is an infectious disease which is transmitted by airborne droplets when communicating or any contact, for example, public transport, dirty hands, food.

Has a sore throat with pregnancy consequences,which are dangerous for the fetus because of the increased body temperature of the mother, the lack of vitamins, oxygen starvation. Among the symptoms of this disease it is necessary to allocate a sufficiently strong headache, high temperature, the presence of abscesses. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor your health from your doctor.

Sore throat during pregnancy:treatment at home and its prevention are of great importance. If you are far from the doctor or his advice is currently impossible, then the sore throat during pregnancy, whose treatment is well needed, will be defeated in the first stages, provided that you create a bed rest, do not refuse to eat, even if the temperature began to rise. In this case, it is necessary to force yourself to eat, especially those dishes, the ingredients of which include a sufficiently large amount of vitamin and protein.

Also, angina during pregnancy, whose treatment inFirst of all, it requires the intake of a large amount of water, contributes to the loss of fluid in the mother's body, which is necessary, both for her and for the child. You should drink at least one cup for an hour. Tasty and useful is also considered chicken broth, which not only fills the body with liquid, but also reduces malaise. It is necessary to gargle with a special saline solution, for this stir in 240 milliliters of warm water a teaspoon of salt. If you see that the temperature is approaching 38 degrees, then it is urgent to call a doctor. One of their effective means is inhalation, for example, with thyme oil, dog rose, eclipse, chamomile, hyssop, but this is only if you do not have temperature.

Sore throat during pregnancy:treatment is appointed by a doctor - this postulate must be fulfilled. Everyone knows that it is possible to overcome this disease only with the help of antibiotics, which are prescribed by doctors. It is necessary to understand that in our modern world there is a large number of antibiotics that are made especially for pregnant women, so they will not bring any harm to your baby. In this case, the doctor should appoint you a special solution for rinsing the throat in a composition that includes sage or chamomile, as well as antiseptics, for example, chlorhexidine, miramistin. Doctors do not recommend drinking fruit drinks or tea with lemon, as the sour environment only contributes to the progression of the disease, in this case, warm milk is perfect.

If you get a sore throat while in a position, do not panic, everything is fixable.

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