Vitamins are active substances thattake part in intracellular metabolism, maintain immunity, regulate metabolism, promote the development and repair of tissues and cells. They are needed in very small quantities, but their deficiency significantly affects human health.
The need for vitamins depends on sex, agea person and his physiological state. The need for vitamins during pregnancy increases significantly. But it should be remembered that the lack of vitamins can be just as bad as their overabundance. Therefore, if you think that you need vitamins for pregnant women, which ones are better to take, ask the obstetrician who is leading your pregnancy. In each case, drugs are prescribed that are most suitable for the patient.
Vitamins in early pregnancy, of courseare necessary. One of the most important is folic acid, the so-called vitamin B9. It is necessary to ensure that the education of the future baby's tissues has passed correctly, and provides a sufficiently high rate of its development in the early stages. Folic acid helps prevent the development of hypotrafia, hydrocephalus and other congenital malformations in the child, as well as prematurity. The intake of vitamin B9 is prescribed to virtually all pregnant women, regardless of how they eat.
In the early stages, very often a vitaminE, which is used for threats of abortion. In addition, it is a strong antioxidant that protects the body from ions that are capable of destroying cells. Vitamin E promotes normalization of pressure, strengthens tissues of the lungs and heart, as well as the walls of blood vessels, especially small ones.
In toxicosis, vitamin B6 helps, which not only significantly reduces nausea, but is also necessary in order to fully develop the central nervous system of the fetus.
Vitamins for pregnant women in the trimesters havesome differences. When the second trimester of pregnancy comes, the need for various vitamins is greatly increased, both in the pregnant and in the fetus. At this time you need:
Of course, this is not the whole list of necessaryvitamins and take them separately is very difficult. Now in pharmacies offer an extensive selection of multivitamin preparations, but there are special designed vitamins for pregnant women. Which are better? This question does not have an unambiguous answer. Some of the drugs do not contain iodine or calcium, and there is a deficiency in the amount of folic acid. This means that the missing elements will need to be taken separately. But so you can accidentally take an extra, which is no less dangerous than a deficiency of any vitamin.
Before you start drinking vitamins for pregnant women,which is better for you to decide with a doctor, not with a friend. Taking vitamins, following the recommendations of a specialist, the expectant mother will feel much better, and they will have a positive impact on the baby.
The most popular among pregnant multivitamins"Vitrum Prenatal" and "Elevit". Both drugs provide the right amount of folic acid and many other elements, but they have a common drawback - they do not contain iodine. Deficiency of this important element can cause mental retardation in the child and lead to thyroid disease in the pregnant woman.
The answer to the question "Vitamins for pregnant women, which is better?" is very simple: properly selected by a doctor, specially designed for this category and regularly taken.