Cats have always been considered unpretentious and stronganimals. But several centuries of breeding them and keeping them at home made these pets as tender and painful as people. Especially sensitive organs in cats are the eyes. They are often prone to injuries and infections. Therefore, many owners are interested: if the cat's eyes fester, what to do to help it?
Sometimes the secretion of fluid or even pus occurs inhealthy cat. This can occur after a long sleep, inappropriate food or an allergy to household chemicals or perfumes. Often, the eyes of a British cat fester because of the features of the structure of the muzzle and the shortened tear duct. If the excretion of pus is single and after washing passes, then there is nothing to worry about. But you should consult a doctor if you notice such symptoms:
Every owner should know how to provide a petfirst aid. After all, many eye diseases are accompanied by itching or pain, and the animal suffers. Often a cat can not open eyelids because of the pus that has been released. The master's task in this case is to gently rinse the eyes of the pet. To do this, take a warm solution of furacilin or boric acid. A decoction of chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, calendula or tea tea is also suitable. Wet a cotton swab and gently squeeze it over the cat's eye. It is desirable that at this time someone held it.
You can gently, without pressing, to erase pus,moving the swab from the outer corner of the eye to the inside. Try not to touch the eyeball so as not to injure it. Do not use cotton buds or a very hot solution for washing. Procedure try to conduct, when the cat is not strongly excited and does not break out, otherwise it can be traumatized.
You noticed that the cat's eyes are festering.What to do, you need to know to help the animal. If the cat feels well, pus does not stand out very much and its behavior has not changed, it is possible to start treatment of the animal on its own. Several times a day, rinse the eyes of a cat and bury it with special drops. For example, "Ziprovet" helps well, which can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy.
If suppuration occurred due to mechanicaldamage or ingress into the eye of a foreign body, try after washing lavage levometsitinovye drops or "Iris". If you did not have veterinary drugs, you can use "Albucidum" or 1% eye tetracycline ointment, which is laid under the lower eyelid, and after that gently massage the eye.
To wash your cat's eyes, purchase a speciallotion for animal care. Best treats various diseases "Phyto-Elite". Do not forget about immunostimulating drugs and vitamins, as well as about balanced nutrition.
But if for a long time the cat's eyes fester,treatment should appoint a doctor. After all, this condition can often be caused by various infectious or viral diseases or traumas. Therefore, before the treatment, you need to establish the cause of suppuration. And only after that the veterinarian will prescribe drugs, often antibacterial or antiviral.
After carrying out the necessary tests, the veterinarianprescribes drugs that will cure exactly the disease that caused suppuration. For example, without eliminating the cause of the allergic reaction, it is useless to rinse the cat's eyes and drip them, pus will still appear. And if suppuration is caused by toxoplasmosis or chlamydia, it is necessary to perform antibiotic therapy.
For local treatment,preparations: "Bars", "Iris", "Mizofen", "Neoconjunctivitis" or "Anandin". It is also possible to wash eyes from pus with special solutions purchased in a veterinary pharmacy. It is best to use "Lacrimin" or "Medkinos".
Diseases of the eyes are very dangerous, because they canlead to loss of vision. Many of them are treated very long and require frequent washing and instillation, which is unpleasant for the cat and causes problems for the owners. Therefore, it is easier to prevent them. To do this, watch the food of your pet, rinse eyes daily with hygienic solutions or simply boiled water, trim the cat's claws and play with it carefully so as not to injure the eyes. It is necessary to maintain immunity with vitamins and to carry out deworming and vaccination on time. Then you will not have to suffer the question: does the cat's eyes fester - what to do?